• mice exhibit enhanced skeletal muscle atrophy in dexamethasone infusion and sciatic denervation models of muscle atrophy
• however, mice show no differences in body weight, tissue weights or white adipose tissue, gastrocnemius muscle, liver, heart, and lung, and fasting blood sugar at 10 weeks of age
• mice treated with dexamethasone (DEX) to induce muscle atrophy show a lower gastrocnemius muscle weight and smaller cross-sectional areas of gastrocnemius muscle fibers than wild-type mice at 14 days after continuous DEX injection indicating enhanced induced skeletal muscle atrophy
• administration of NDNF attenuates skeletal muscle atrophy induced by DEX
• mice subjected to a denervation-induced muscle atrophy show lower denervated gastrocnemius muscle weights and reduced cross-sectional areas of muscle fibers at 5 days after removal of the sciatic nerve compared to wild-type mice
• administration of NDNF attenuates skeletal muscle atrophy induced by sciatic denervation