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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Cyagen Biosciences
Summary 1 genotype
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Ccdc38em1Cya/Ccdc38em1Cya C57BL/6J-Ccdc38em1Cya/Cya MGI:7287500

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Ccdc38em1Cya mutation (1 available); any Ccdc38 mutation (37 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
reproductive system
• 2-mo-old female mice are fertile
• 2-mo-old male mice show normal testis size and testis/body weight ratio relative to control males
• % of motile spermatozoa is severely reduced
• H&E staining showed shortened tails and tailless spermatids in the seminiferous tubules
• IFT88, CFAP53 and IFT20 protein levels are all significantly reduced in testis lysates
• ODF2, but not ODF1, protein levels are significantly decreased in testicular extracts, and ODF2 transport is impaired during flagellum biogenesis
• PAS staining of testis sections showed abnormal elongated spermatids at stages X-XI
• total cauda epididymal sperm count is significantly lower than that in control males
• caudal epididymal spermatozoa show morphological anomalies, including abnormal nuclei and a "multiple morphological abnormalities of the flagella" (MMAF)-like phenotype of either a short tail (type 1), disordered filaments (type 2), impaired spermatozoon head (type 3), curly tail (type 4) and tailless (type 5)
• sperm flagellum biogenesis defects are observed in the testes
• sperm tails show loss of outer dense fibers (ODFs)
• sperm tails show disorganization of axonemal microtubules and tail accessory structures
• sperm with a normal head and a thin tail are observed (type 2)
• tailless sperm are observed (type 5)
• sperm with an abnormal head and a curly tail are observed (type 4)
• sperm with an abnormal head and a short tail are observed (type 1)
• sperm with an abnormal head and either a short tail (type 1), a normal tail (type 3) or a curly tail (type 4) are observed
• PAS staining of testis sections showed abnormal sperm nuclear shape
• abnormal spermatid shapes are found starting at step 10
• elongated spermatids show abnormal head shapes at stage X-XI
• spermatids exhibit short and curly flagella from stages IV-V
• elongating spermatids show disorganized ODFs, fibrous sheath (FS), mitochondrial sheath and axoneme
• TEM showed that manchettes of elongating spermatids (steps 9-11) are ectopically placed
• manchettes are roughly normal at steps 8-10 but abnormally elongated at steps 11-12
• spermiogenesis is impaired with spermatid head elongation and maturation defects at step 9, ultimately leading to abnormal spermatozoa at step 16 of spermiogenesis
• fewer spermatozoa are found in the cauda epididymal lumen
• 2-mo-old male mice fail to produce any offspring after mating with wild-type adult females
• however, mounting behavior is normal and coital plugs are observed

• total cauda epididymal sperm count is significantly lower than that in control males
• caudal epididymal spermatozoa show morphological anomalies, including abnormal nuclei and a "multiple morphological abnormalities of the flagella" (MMAF)-like phenotype of either a short tail (type 1), disordered filaments (type 2), impaired spermatozoon head (type 3), curly tail (type 4) and tailless (type 5)
• sperm flagellum biogenesis defects are observed in the testes
• sperm tails show loss of outer dense fibers (ODFs)
• sperm tails show disorganization of axonemal microtubules and tail accessory structures
• sperm with a normal head and a thin tail are observed (type 2)
• tailless sperm are observed (type 5)
• sperm with an abnormal head and a curly tail are observed (type 4)
• sperm with an abnormal head and a short tail are observed (type 1)
• sperm with an abnormal head and either a short tail (type 1), a normal tail (type 3) or a curly tail (type 4) are observed
• PAS staining of testis sections showed abnormal sperm nuclear shape
• abnormal spermatid shapes are found starting at step 10
• elongated spermatids show abnormal head shapes at stage X-XI
• spermatids exhibit short and curly flagella from stages IV-V
• elongating spermatids show disorganized ODFs, fibrous sheath (FS), mitochondrial sheath and axoneme
• TEM showed that manchettes of elongating spermatids (steps 9-11) are ectopically placed
• manchettes are roughly normal at steps 8-10 but abnormally elongated at steps 11-12
• % of motile spermatozoa is severely reduced

endocrine/exocrine glands
• H&E staining showed shortened tails and tailless spermatids in the seminiferous tubules
• IFT88, CFAP53 and IFT20 protein levels are all significantly reduced in testis lysates
• ODF2, but not ODF1, protein levels are significantly decreased in testicular extracts, and ODF2 transport is impaired during flagellum biogenesis

respiratory system
• trachea cilia and lung cilia appear normal

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory