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• female and male mice exhibit normal cerebellar motor learning
• female mice exhibit normal locomotor alterations, social preference, stereotypic behavior, digging, and ultrasonic vocalization
• male mice spent less time digging spontaneously or during a marble burying test compared with wild-type mice
• male mice exhibit longer latency to fall and increased terminal speed on an accelerating rotarod compared with control mice
• male mice exhibit longer steps than control mice
• however, the frequency of missteps and locomotor speeds are normal
• increased gnawing in male mice
• in a three-chamber sociability test, male mice exhibit reduced social preference compared with wild-type mice
• male mice exhibit fewer ultrasonic vocalization compared with wild-type mice
nervous system
• in female mice due to reduced maturation of progenitors at P15
• in male mice due to increased proliferation of progenitors at E15.5
• with thin myelin sheath in female mice
• with thicker myelin sheath in male mice