reproductive system
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• mice exhibit normal fertility, with normal litter size
• males exhibit no differences in testicular size, testis morphology and histology, and cauda and caput epididymis, and in the different stages of seminiferous tubules
• decrease in the percentage of spermatozoa with coiled tail
• increase in the distal mid-piece reflect, a defect developing in the epididymis and indicative of a sperm tail abnormality
• sperm concentrations from the epididymis are reduced by 57.2% compared to wild-type levels
• sperm show a decrease in motile mean straight line velocity and motile mean average path velocity
• percentage of motile spermatozoa, the motile mean expressed as beat cross frequency, and progressive spermatozoa are increased
• increase in the percentage of progressive spermatozoa
• decrease in the percentage of spermatozoa with coiled tail
• increase in the distal mid-piece reflect, a defect developing in the epididymis and indicative of a sperm tail abnormality
• sperm concentrations from the epididymis are reduced by 57.2% compared to wild-type levels
• sperm show a decrease in motile mean straight line velocity and motile mean average path velocity
• percentage of motile spermatozoa, the motile mean expressed as beat cross frequency, and progressive spermatozoa are increased
• increase in the percentage of progressive spermatozoa