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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Shangming Liu
Summary 1 genotype
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Tmem232em1Shliu/Tmem232em1Shliu C57BL/6-Tmem232em1Shliu MGI:7511762

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Mouse lines carrying:
Tmem232em1Shliu mutation (0 available); any Tmem232 mutation (41 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
reproductive system
• epididymal sperm show various flagellar abnormalities; sperm with a large vesicle at the midpiece, sperm aggregated into bundles, and sperm with unsheathed flagella at the junction of principal and midpiece piece
• the large vesicle at the midpiece shows electron dense materials, disorganized mitochondria, and a single, large vacuole, suggesting abnormal retention of cytoplasmic remnants and failed cytoplasmic clearance
• 11.97% of sperm aggregate into bundles
• several sperm flagella are wrapped in one cell membrane
• axonemal microtubules and outer dense fibers are extruded from the midpiece and unsheathed flagella at the junction of the principal and midpiece piece which is not seen in wild-type spermatozoa
• however, sperm head shape and acrosome development are normal
• spermatozoa flagella lacks the outer dense fiber that corresponds to the missing microtubule doublet 7
• spermatozoa flagella axoneme lacks microtubule doublet 7 and the corresponding outer dense fiber
• 11.64% of flagella axonemes do not have the 7th microtubule doublet in spermatozoa in the testes while absence of the 7th microtubule doublet is seen in 88.77% of caudal epididymis sperm
• 8.31% of sperm have unsheathed flagella at their principal piece
• 41.43% of sperm have hairpin-like structures in their midpieces
• fewer spermatozoa are seen in the caudal epididymis
• no progressive sperm are seen
• sperm show decreased motility and only 7.667% of sperm being motile compared to 82.33% of wild-type sperm
• mean path velocity and straight-line velocity of sperm are reduced
• no pups are born from pairings that include homozygous males
• however, testis and epididymis size, testis weight, body weight, and testis weight to body weight ratio are normal and females are fertile with normal ovaries

• epididymal sperm show various flagellar abnormalities; sperm with a large vesicle at the midpiece, sperm aggregated into bundles, and sperm with unsheathed flagella at the junction of principal and midpiece piece
• the large vesicle at the midpiece shows electron dense materials, disorganized mitochondria, and a single, large vacuole, suggesting abnormal retention of cytoplasmic remnants and failed cytoplasmic clearance
• 11.97% of sperm aggregate into bundles
• several sperm flagella are wrapped in one cell membrane
• axonemal microtubules and outer dense fibers are extruded from the midpiece and unsheathed flagella at the junction of the principal and midpiece piece which is not seen in wild-type spermatozoa
• however, sperm head shape and acrosome development are normal
• spermatozoa flagella lacks the outer dense fiber that corresponds to the missing microtubule doublet 7
• spermatozoa flagella axoneme lacks microtubule doublet 7 and the corresponding outer dense fiber
• 11.64% of flagella axonemes do not have the 7th microtubule doublet in spermatozoa in the testes while absence of the 7th microtubule doublet is seen in 88.77% of caudal epididymis sperm
• 8.31% of sperm have unsheathed flagella at their principal piece
• 41.43% of sperm have hairpin-like structures in their midpieces
• fewer spermatozoa are seen in the caudal epididymis
• no progressive sperm are seen
• sperm show decreased motility and only 7.667% of sperm being motile compared to 82.33% of wild-type sperm
• mean path velocity and straight-line velocity of sperm are reduced

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory