reproductive system
• number of apoptotic cells is greatly increased in stages IX-X tubules, which contain late pachytene spermatocytes and XI-XII tubules, which contain diplotene spermatocytes, suggesting that spermatocytes fail to exit diplotene and are eliminated by apoptosis
• seminiferous tubule diameter is smaller at 10 weeks of age
small testis
• testis to body weight ratio is lower from P18 to P35
• the testes and the testis to body weight ratio are smaller at 10 weeks of age
• only spermatocytes at leptotene to diplotene are present in the testis and the proportion of pachytene spermatocytes is higher and diplotene spermatocytes is lower
• Background Sensitivity: spermatogenesis does not progress to the late pachytene stage at P18 as in controls, and while controls show round spermatids at P21, mutants show presence of late pachytene spermatocytes and by P28, there is a large number of pachytene spermatocytes with degenerated spermatocytes instead of elongated spermatids, indicating impaired meiotic cell cycle progression from early to mid/late pachynema
• however, spermatogenesis progresses to the early pachytene stage at P14
• no round and elongated spermatids are seen in the seminiferous tubules and no mature spermatozoa are seen in the cauda epididymis
• more broken chromosomes are seen in diplotene spermatocytes (81% vs. 3.5% in heterozygotes)
• spermatocytes show impaired crossover formation and resolution during meiotic prophase I, abnormal programmed DNA double-strand break repair, and perturbed X-Y synapsis
• spermatocytes exhibit perturbed X-Y synapsis, with spermatocytes progressing beyond mid/late pachynema showing a 42.5% increase in asynapsis
• developmental arrest of spermatocytes
• no round and elongated spermatids are seen in the seminiferous tubules and no mature spermatozoa are seen in the cauda epididymis
• more broken chromosomes are seen in diplotene spermatocytes (81% vs. 3.5% in heterozygotes)
• spermatocytes show impaired crossover formation and resolution during meiotic prophase I, abnormal programmed DNA double-strand break repair, and perturbed X-Y synapsis
• spermatocytes exhibit perturbed X-Y synapsis, with spermatocytes progressing beyond mid/late pachynema showing a 42.5% increase in asynapsis
• developmental arrest of spermatocytes
• number of apoptotic cells is greatly increased in stages IX-X tubules, which contain late pachytene spermatocytes and XI-XII tubules, which contain diplotene spermatocytes, suggesting that spermatocytes fail to exit diplotene and are eliminated by apoptosis
• spermatocytes show abnormal programmed DNA double-strand break repair
endocrine/exocrine glands
• seminiferous tubule diameter is smaller at 10 weeks of age
small testis
• testis to body weight ratio is lower from P18 to P35
• the testes and the testis to body weight ratio are smaller at 10 weeks of age
• spermatocytes show abnormal programmed DNA double-strand break repair