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• normal behavior in marble burying test
• normal acoustic startle reflex
• reduced swimming speed in cued and place trials of the Morris water maze test
• reduced freezing levels on auditory cue component in the fear conditioning test
• normal behavior in baseline or tone-shock training, contextual fear test and altered context baseline components in the fear conditioning tes
• normal shock sensitivity in the fear conditioning test
• greater latency to leave small, circumscribed area in walking initiation test
• reduced swimming speed in cued and place trials of the Morris water maze test
• shorter latency to fall in accelerating rotarod test
• normal behavior in stationary or constant speed rotarod test
• greater distance traveled in periphery in open field test
• normal locomotor activity in 1-h locomotor activity, ledge platform, pole, 60 and 90 degree inclined and inverted screen tests
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• normal lifespan
• mice born at lower-than-expected Mendelian ratio
sparse hair
• in aged mice
nervous system
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• normal prepulse inhibition in males and females
• normal brain size in females
• small brains in males
• normal brain size in females