• in a novel object recognition test mice prefer to spend less time with a novel object compared to a familiar object
• treatment with MTEP a negative allosteric modulator of GRM5 improves novelty responses
• fail to prefer a stranger mouse over a familiar mouse
• treatment with MTEP a negative allosteric modulator of GRM5 improves social novelty impairments
• decreased preference for a stranger mouse compared to an empty cage or a familiar mouse
• treatment with MTEP a negative allosteric modulator of GRM5 improves social investigation impairments
nervous system
• decrease of the total spine density in the hippocampal dentate gyrus region
• display reduced dendritic complexity and growth
• CA1 pyramidal neurons show a lower action potential threshold but fire significantly more action potentials in response to depolarizing current injections
• increased input resistance and decreased rheobase in hippocampal pyramidal neurons
• increased spontaneous EPSC frequency but not amplitude in pyramidal neurons
• show lower PPI at 78, 82, 86, and 90 dB compared to wild-type littermates
• treatment with MTEP a negative allosteric modulator of GRM5 improves PPI responses