• after 10 wks of HFD feeding, mice show a significantly higher body weight than diet-matched wild-type controls
adipose tissue
• HFD-mice show significantly larger white adipocyte size in epididymal and perirenal WAT than diet-matched controls
• after 12 wks of HFD feeding, mice show a significantly higher epididymal WAT weight than diet-matched wild-type controls
• after 12 wks of HFD feeding, mice show a significantly higher perirenal WAT weight than diet-matched wild-type controls
• after 12 wks of HFD feeding, mice show a significantly higher WAT mass than diet-matched wild-type controls
• however, BAT, liver and kidney weight as well as lean body mass are normal after HFD feeding
• HFD-fed mice exhibit significantly higher expression of inflammatory markers in WAT than diet-matched wild-type controls
• HFD-fed mice are glucose intolerant relative to diet-matched wild-type controls
• HFD-mice are slightly insulin resistant relative to diet-matched wild-type controls
• dispersed adipocytes isolated from WAT show significantly lower free fatty acid (FFA) and glycerol release than wild-type adipocytes under both basal and stimulated conditions
immune system
• HFD-fed mice exhibit significantly higher expression of inflammatory markers in WAT than diet-matched wild-type controls