• on day 7 after sciatic nerve chronic constriction injury (CCI), male mice pre-injected with AAV-Cre into unilateral lumbar (L)3/4 dorsal root ganglia (DRGs) show significantly lower ipsilateral paw-withdrawal frequencies in response to mechanical stimuli [low (0.07 g) and medium (0.4 g) force von Frey filaments] than control mice pre-injected with AAV-Gfp
• on day 7 after sciatic nerve CCI surgery, male mice pre-injected with AAV-Cre into unilateral L3/4 DRGs show a significantly higher ipsilateral paw-withdrawal latency in response to heat stimuli than control mice pre-injected with AAV-Gfp
• on day 7 after CCI surgery, male mice pre-injected with AAV-Cre show a significantly lower abundance of N4-acetylcytidine (ac4C) protein in ipsilateral L3/4 DRGs than control mice pre-injected with AAV-Gfp
• on day 7 after CCI surgery, male mice pre-injected with AAV-Cre into unilateral L3/4 DRGs show attenuated injury-induced mechanical and heat nociceptive hypersensitivities and significantly lower upregulation of p-ERK1/2 (a marker of neuronal hyperactivation) and GFAP (a marker of astrocytic hyperactivation) in the ipsilateral dorsal spinal horn than control mice pre-injected with AAV-Gfp
• however, no defects in locomotor function (placing, grasping, and righting reflexes) are observed after CCI surgery in response to AAV-Cre or AAV-Gfp treatment