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endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Ramakrishna Kommagani
Summary 1 genotype
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Greb1em1Rkom/Greb1em1Rkom C57BL/6NJ-Greb1em1Rkom MGI:7619086

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Mouse lines carrying:
Greb1em1Rkom mutation (0 available); any Greb1 mutation (108 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• mice exhibit a minor runted phenotype at birth, however pups develop normally and the runted phenotype is no longer obvious at 8 weeks of age

reproductive system
• females have decreased uterine stromal cell proliferation than wild-type mice at 4 and 5 dpc
• in an artificial decidualization model in which mice are ovariectomized and one uterine horn is injected with sesame oil to induce decidualization, the stimulated uterine horn did not enlarge as much as wild-type and had fewer proliferative cells
• uteri of mutant females at 5 dpc show incomplete luminal closure
• uteri of mutant females at 5 dpc show embryo disorientation
• mated female mice have fewer implantation sites
• uteri at 5 dpc show small implantation chambers, incomplete luminal closure, and embryo misorientation
• in the estrogen/progesterone group of a steroid hormone regimen delayed implantation model, mice exhibit fewer proliferating cells in uteri than in wild-type mice
• however, in the estrogen group of a steroid hormone regimen delayed implantation model, mice exhibit a similar endometrial epithelial proliferation as wild-type mice
• females exhibit impaired stromal proliferation which results in impaired uterine receptivity and reduced embryo implantation
• expression of progesterone-responsive genes, but not estrogen-responsive genes, is decreased in the uteri at 4 dpc
• females mated to wild-type males produce fewer pups per litter and fewer total pups per mouse than wild-type females
• however, no overt morphological differences are seen in the ovaries of adults, showing the presence of corpus lutea and normal follicular development, subfertility is not due to impaired ovarian function or impaired oviductal transport of embryos, and oocytes from super-ovulated females are able to be fertilized in vitro at similar rates as oocytes from wild-type females
• females deliver reduced number of litters in an inconsistent manner over the testing period

immune system
• in a model of endometriosis in which a piece of the uterus is autologously transplanted onto the peritoneum, resulting in growth of lesions resembling endometriosis, mutant mice develop smaller endometriotic lesions than wild-type females that have thinner epithelial layers and fewer proliferative epithelial and stromal cells

• females have decreased uterine stromal cell proliferation than wild-type mice at 4 and 5 dpc
• in an artificial decidualization model in which mice are ovariectomized and one uterine horn is injected with sesame oil to induce decidualization, the stimulated uterine horn did not enlarge as much as wild-type and had fewer proliferative cells

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory