• normal stereotypical behavior in contextual fear conditioning chamber on preexposure day 1 when treated with either saline or nicotine
• normal rearing behavior in contextual fear conditioning chamber on preexposure day 1 when treated with nicotine
• normal behavior in open field test when treated with either saline or nicotine
• normal time spent in center and perimeter in contextual fear conditioning chamber on preexposure day 1 when treated with either saline or nicotine
• no enhanced freezing behavior on test day 3 after preexposure on day 1 when treated with saline
• normal (enhanced) freezing behavior on test day 3 after preexposure on day 1 when treated with nicotine
• normal (enhanced) freezing behavior on test day 2 after preexposure on day 1 when treated with either saline or nicotine
• increased rearing behavior in contextual fear conditioning chamber on preexposure day 1 when treated with saline
• normal rearing behavior in contextual fear conditioning chamber on preexposure day 1 when treated with nicotine
• increased mid-line crossing in contextual fear conditioning chamber on preexposure day 1 when treated with either saline or nicotine
• increased locomotor activity in contextual fear conditioning chamber on preexposure day 1 when treated with either saline or nicotine
• increased shock reactivity on test day 2 after preexposure on day 1 when treated with either saline or nicotine
nervous system
• normal stimulusresponse relationships in Schaffer collateral (SC) pathway
• 100x more sensitive response of oriens lacunosum moleculare (OLM) GABAergic interneurons to nicotine-induced LTP
• normal postnatal weight gain
• no obvious morphological changes
• mice born at expected Mendelian and sex ratios