cardiovascular system
• mice show increased susceptibility to polymorphic ventricular tachycardia induction with a defined pacing protocol followed by 3 extra stimuli
• intracardiac ECG shows ventricular premature beats which are followed by postextrasystolic compensatory pauses
• however, mice do not exhibit cardiac hypertrophy or overt structural defects
• mean ventricular myocyte voltage-gated potassium current density is increased in the apex and in the subpopulation of septal myocytes that lack fast transient outward current (I[to,f])
• the current increases arise from an apex-specific increase in slow transient outward current-1 (I[Kslow,1], conducted by Kv1.5) and (I[to,f], conducted by Kv4) and an increase in slow transient outward current-2 (I[Kslow,2], conducted by Kv2.1) in both apex and septum