• increased adolescent mortality
• however, no embryonic lethality or severe growth retardation after birth are seen
cardiovascular system
• abnormal morphology and density
• at 8 weeks of age
• increased heart weight-to-tibia length ratio
• left ventricular internal dimension, left ventricular end-diastolic volume, and left ventricular end-systolic volume are increased
• marked contractile dysfunction and hear failure
• treatment with a STAT3 inhibitor at 4 weeks of age (S31-201) improves cardiac function
• stunning decline in left ventricular ejection fraction and left ventricular fraction shortening
• transverse aortic constriction rarely results in increased mitochondrial size or cristae disorganization unlike in wild-type mice
• abnormal morphology and density
• expression analysis indicates impaired mitochondrial bioenergetics in hearts at 3 days of age
• decline in ATP content and NAD+ production in the heart
• dramatic decrease in basal, ATP production-coupled, and maximal respiration as well as spare respiratory capacity
• dramatic reduction in ATP production coupled respiration in hearts
• transverse aortic constriction rarely results in increased mitochondrial size or cristae disorganization unlike in wild-type mice
• at 8 weeks of age
• increased heart weight-to-tibia length ratio
• abnormal morphology and density
• marked contractile dysfunction and hear failure
• treatment with a STAT3 inhibitor at 4 weeks of age (S31-201) improves cardiac function
• stunning decline in left ventricular ejection fraction and left ventricular fraction shortening