reproductive system
• severe depletion of pachytene spermatocytes during meiosis leading to azoospermia in epididymal tail
• aberrant sex chromosome remodeling and silencing in spermatocytes, with X-Y chromosomes remaining elongated rather than forming into compacted XY body
• spermatocytes undergo massive apoptosis
small testis
• testes weigh approximately 80% less than control testes
• spermatogenesis is blocked during meiosis, with absent post-meiotic germ cells and the most advanced germ cells in the seminiferous tubules being pachytene spermatocytes
• pachytene meiosis arrest with sex chromosome defects
• males mated with wild-type or heterozygous females do not produce offspring indicating male infertility
endocrine/exocrine glands
small testis
• testes weigh approximately 80% less than control testes
• severe depletion of pachytene spermatocytes during meiosis leading to azoospermia in epididymal tail
• aberrant sex chromosome remodeling and silencing in spermatocytes, with X-Y chromosomes remaining elongated rather than forming into compacted XY body
• pachytene meiosis arrest with sex chromosome defects
• spermatocytes undergo massive apoptosis