cardiovascular system
• collateral arteries in ischemic hind limbs are increased as in wild-type mice, but the diameter of the collateral arteries of the ischemic hindlimb is smaller than in wild-type mice, indicating impaired arteriogenesis response
• however, vessel density shows that arteriole numbers in the semimembranosus muscles and the gastrocnemius muscles remain unchanged postischemic induction, and capillary density in the semimembranosus muscles is not altered under both static and ischemic conditions
• however, primitive retinal vasculature at P6 shows normal sprouting distance, vessel density, pericyte coverage, and diameter of arteries and veins, and mice show normal systolic blood pressure, heart weight, ventricular size and interventricular septum thickness
• mice show impaired collateral artery arteriogenesis but not angiogenesis following ischemic injury
• mice show a significantly impaired recovery of the blood perfusion in hindlimb ischemic model
renal/urinary system
• mice show normal glomerular structure and urine albumin/creatinine ratio
• endothelial cell proliferation in the collateral artery of ischemic hind limbs is hampered
• however, the proliferation ratio of vascular smooth muscle cells is normal and no difference in the ratio of the vascular wall thickness to the luminal diameter of the collaterals is seen