• all mice exhibit a severe bilateral panocular eye malformation, including microphthalmia with disorganized anterior and posterior segments
• the most severely affected eyes only have a rudimentary lens and retina and optic nerve aplasia
• disorganization of anterior segments
• abnormalities of the cornea
• disorganization of lens fibers, with hypoplasia or aplasia of the lens
• disorganization of posterior segments
• abnormalities of the optic nerve, with the most severely affected eyes having optic nerve aplasia
• severe disorganization retina, with the most severely affected eyes having a rudimentary retina
• severe disorganization of veal tissue
• hyperplasia of pigmented uveal tissue
• abnormalities of the ciliary body
• abnormalities of the iris
nervous system
• abnormalities of the optic nerve, with the most severely affected eyes having optic nerve aplasia