• mutant mice die from radiation induced toxicity to the gastrointestinal tract at doses that do not kill control mice
• many mice die from thymic lymphoma; none survived greater than 4.5 months of age without a thymic lymphoma
• homozygotes appear smaller at birth
• female and male homozygotes weigh less that control littermates from P8 to 3 months of age
immune system
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• no abnormalities in B lymphocytes, granulocytes or myeloid cells observed
• thymic lymphomas are highly metastatic and consist of immature T cells
• increased number of immature double positive cells
• reduced number of mature single-positive Cd4+ and Cd8+ T lymphocytes
• 59% reduction in Cd3/Cd4 double positive T lymphocytes
• 67% reduction in Cd3/Cd8 double positive T lymphocytes
• reduction in Cd5, Cd4, and Cd8 positive T lymphocytes
• using Cd69 as a marker of activation, the number of Cd3/Cd69 or Cd8/Cd69 positive cells is reduced, but still present
reproductive system
• absence of primordial and mature ovarian follicles
small ovary
• no proliferation or degeneration in as part of the estrous cycle
• complete absence of mature gametes
• absence of mature sperm
• reduced number of cells
• degeneration of cells evident
• some barren of all cells except Sertoli cells
small testis
absent estrus
• females never enter estrous
• females never exhibit copulation plugs
• normal mating behavior evident by the presence of copulation plugs in control females; however, pregnancy never results
• thymic lymphomas are highly metastatic and consist of immature T cells
• complete absence of mature gametes
• absence of mature sperm
• significant increase in the number of lysosomes in cerebellar Purkinje cells and in pyramidal cells of the hippocampus in the absence of any neuronal degeneration at 4-12 weeks of age, before the onset of T cell lymphoma
• mutant fibroblasts show increased radioresistant DNA synthesis (RDS) after 5 to 15 Gy of gamma-irradiation compared to controls, indicating that cell cycle checkpoints are abnormal
• mutant fibroblasts grew more slowly in culture than control cells
• tissues from mutants are under oxidative stress and suffer oxidative damage, especially in the brain
• oxidative damage to proteins and lipids as indicated by elevated nitrotyrosine levels in the brain (but not the liver) and elevated F2-isoprostanes in the testes (indicative of lipid damage)
• activity of the isozyme, heme oxygenase, is increased 600% in the cerebellum (but not in the cortex)
• mutant mice were not able to stay on a rota-rod as long as controls
• impaired performance was not due to decreased strength since mice were able to suspend from a wire lid as long as controls
• in addition, the maximum difference in stride lengths was greater in mutant mice, suggestive of ataxia
• mutant mice reared less often than controls
• reduced horizontal activity was shown by reduced movement around an open field
nervous system
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• no defects in brain architecture
• no evidence of neurodegeneration
• heme oxygenase 1 is increase in Purkinje cells, indicating oxidative damage particularly in these cells
hematopoietic system
• thymic lymphomas are highly metastatic and consist of immature T cells
• increased number of immature double positive cells
• reduced number of mature single-positive Cd4+ and Cd8+ T lymphocytes
• 59% reduction in Cd3/Cd4 double positive T lymphocytes
• 67% reduction in Cd3/Cd8 double positive T lymphocytes
• reduction in Cd5, Cd4, and Cd8 positive T lymphocytes
• using Cd69 as a marker of activation, the number of Cd3/Cd69 or Cd8/Cd69 positive cells is reduced, but still present
endocrine/exocrine glands
• thymic lymphomas are highly metastatic and consist of immature T cells
• absence of primordial and mature ovarian follicles
small ovary
• reduced number of cells
• degeneration of cells evident
• some barren of all cells except Sertoli cells
small testis
• mutant mice die from radiation induced toxicity to the gastrointestinal tract at doses that do not kill control mice
Mouse Models of Human Disease |
DO ID | OMIM ID(s) | Ref(s) | |
ataxia telangiectasia | DOID:12704 |
OMIM:208900 |
J:34193 , J:57115 |