• do not survive beyond 7 days of age
• usually die within the first week of life; one pup survived to P11
cardiovascular system
• 6 of 8 have an inverted cardiac l-loop and the direction of looping is ambiguous in the other two
• although embryonic nodal cilia rotate as rapidly as those of wild-type embryos, the nodal flow is less smooth, much slower than normal, and more turbulent resulting in a slow net leftward transport in the node
• development of nodal flow arrests at nodal stage 3 or 4 and does not proceed to nodal stage 5
• direction of embryonic turning is reversed as the vitalline vessels are situated on the right size of the body
• aberrant cell masses are found around the node, which often deform the node shape and alter the positional arrangement of nodal cilia
• the positional arrangement of nodal cilia is often altered
• variously sized tubular cysts
• relatively rapid development and progression of epithelial-lined renal cysts
• expansion of Bowman's space surrounding deep cortical glomeruli already noted at E15
• cysts first appear in collecting ducts and proximal tubules by E17
• cysts of increased size and number involving collecting ducts, proximal tubules and Bowman's spaces at P1
• more extensive, diffuse cortical and medullary cysts at P11
• diffuse and elaborate cortical cysts noted at P11, more extensive than at P1
• corticomedullary cysts involving collecting ducts, proximal tubules, and thick ascending limbs at P5
• diffuse and elaborate medullary cysts noted at P11, more extensive than at P1
• cystic dilatation of some glomeruli
• do not increase in size after birth
• do not increase in weight after birth
• poor weight gain after P2
• 100% exhibit situs inversus, with stomach, spleen, heart, lungs, and liver being mirror-image left-right inversions
• spleen and the apex of the heart found on the right side instead of the left
• at P7, cystic kidneys weigh more than twice as much as wild-type kidneys
liver/biliary system
• biliary obstruction or atresia
renal/urinary system
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• in culture, primary mutant renal epithelial cells show no significant differences in the % of ciliated cells or in primary cilia length relative to wild-type controls
• primary mutant renal cilia exhibit normal bending mechanics in response to physiological fluid flow relative to wild-type cilia
• mutant proximal renal epithelial cells show a normal rise in intracellular Ca2+ concentration in response to fluid flow stress relative to wild-type cells
• normal-looking primary cilia (monocilia) are seen at apical surfaces of cystic collecting ducts and proximal tubules at P5
• significant kidney pathology with dilated tubules and abnormal glomeruli
• variously sized tubular cysts
• relatively rapid development and progression of epithelial-lined renal cysts
• expansion of Bowman's space surrounding deep cortical glomeruli already noted at E15
• cysts first appear in collecting ducts and proximal tubules by E17
• cysts of increased size and number involving collecting ducts, proximal tubules and Bowman's spaces at P1
• more extensive, diffuse cortical and medullary cysts at P11
• diffuse and elaborate cortical cysts noted at P11, more extensive than at P1
• corticomedullary cysts involving collecting ducts, proximal tubules, and thick ascending limbs at P5
• diffuse and elaborate medullary cysts noted at P11, more extensive than at P1
• cystic dilatation of some glomeruli
• at P7, cystic kidneys weigh more than twice as much as wild-type kidneys
• within a couple of days after birth, kidneys are filled with severely dilated collecting ducts
• fusiform dilatation of collecting ducts at P5
• cystic collecting ducts are uniformly and diffusely dilated throughout their entire lengths, except at the most proximal tips in the superficial cortex
• collecting ducts may appear haphazardly arranged in 2-D; however, 3-D imaging indicates that they maintain their parallel alignment from medulla to cortex
• expansion of Bowman's space surrounding deep cortical glomeruli is first noted at E15 and persists through P11
• relatively disorganized and more abundant interstitium at P5
• defects in the organization of the pelvic region
• thick ascending limbs appear dilated
• thin descending loops of Henle are narrowed at their transitions from S3 segments
• some of these thin loops have diverticuli or flaring at their distal ends
• focal thinning of the apical brush border microvilli within progressively expanding cysts
• at P5, rarified microvilli resemble loose, ill-fitting pieces of jigsaw puzzles
• soon after birth, tubules are severely dilated
• fusiform (not secular) dilatation of convoluted and straight proximal tubules, bridged by segments of normal or narrowed calibers at P3 and P5
• variable luminal widening and cyst formation at P5
• fusiform cysts, hairpin turns and narrowed segments in a single P4 convoluted proximal tubule
• rare, small outpocketings seen along proximal tubules
• dystrophic calcifications in less than 5% of tubular lumina by P11
• succumb to renal failure within 1 wk of life
digestive/alimentary system
• dilation of many of the acinar ducts
• vacuolization of the pancreatic acinar cells
• decrease in the number of exocrine acinar cells
• dilation of the pancreatic ducts
endocrine/exocrine glands
• dilation of many of the acinar ducts
• vacuolization of the pancreatic acinar cells
• decrease in the number of exocrine acinar cells
• dilation of the pancreatic ducts
• expansion and disorganization of the endocrine cells in the islets of Langerhans
• 2-fold increase in blood urea nitrogen levels by P5
respiratory system
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• normal 9 + 2 arrangement seen in respiratory cilia from trachea at P5
• the positional arrangement of nodal cilia is often altered
• although embryonic nodal cilia rotate as rapidly as those of wild-type embryos, the nodal flow is less smooth, much slower than normal, and more turbulent resulting in a slow net leftward transport in the node
• development of nodal flow arrests at nodal stage 3 or 4 and does not proceed to nodal stage 5
Mouse Models of Human Disease |
DO ID | OMIM ID(s) | Ref(s) | |
nephronophthisis 2 | DOID:0111113 |
OMIM:602088 |
J:132552 |