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Phenotypes Associated with This Genotype
either: (involves: 129 * 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ) or (involves: 129 * 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6NTac)
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Mouse lines carrying:
Tbx3tm1Pa mutation (1 available); any Tbx3 mutation (49 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• about 50% of homozygotes (17/35) die by E11.5; most homozygotes are dead by E12.5 (21/33)
• very few homozygotes survive beyond E13.5, rare exceptions (2/35) survive to about E16.5

• 6 of 24 homozygotes show a reduction in yolk sac vasculature prior to E10.5
• 6 of 24 homozygotes exhibit small or absent yolk sac blood vessels prior to E10.5
• at E10.5, homozygotes exhibit a thinner and anteroposteriorly less extensive AER in the forelimbs, and a severely reduced AER in the hindlimbs
• ~70% of homozygotes display reduced hindlimb bud development by E9.5-E10.5
• however, no major abnormalities are detected at E8.5
• by E12.5, yolk sacs of many surviving homozygotes display an abnormal endoderm layer composed of mostly dead cells with pyknotic nuclei and deteriorating blood vessels
• 6 of 24 mutant yolk sacs contain no blood, although blood is present in the heart and embryonic circulation

• only digit one forms in homozygous mutant hindlimbs
• by E11.5, all homozygotes exhibit forelimb abnormalities
• one fetus surviving to ~E16.5, exhibits a right forelimb with a shortened ulna and a left forelimb without an ulna
• by E11.5, all homozygotes exhibit hindlimb abnormalities
• hindlimbs are always the more severely affected than forelimbs
• one fetus surviving to ~E16.5, exhibits a right forelimb with absent metacarpals and phalanges of the fifth digit, and absent phalanges of the fourth digiit; the left forelimb lacks an ulna and carpals as well as metacarpals and phalanges of the fourth and fifth digits
• at E10.5, homozygotes exhibit a thinner and anteroposteriorly less extensive AER in the forelimbs, and a severely reduced AER in the hindlimbs
• ~70% of homozygotes display reduced hindlimb bud development by E9.5-E10.5
• however, no major abnormalities are detected at E8.5
• by E11.5, homozygotes display irregularities in the hand plate and either little development or an aberrant shape to the foot plate that resembles a posterior deflection of the autopod

liver/biliary system
• at E12.5, homozygotes exhibit a smaller liver relative to wild-type embryos

endocrine/exocrine glands
• homozygotes display failure of mammary bud induction at E12.5-E13.5
• homozygotes exhibit absence or reduction of mammary buds between E11.5 and E13.5
• no mammary buds are detected at E12.5, although at E13.5 one of seven mutants displayed a single, small pair of mammary buds at the level corresponding to bud number 2, and a second mutant had a single, unilateral bud in a similar position; however, these appeared less organized relative to wild-type mammary buds

• one fetus surviving to ~E16.5, exhibits a right forelimb with a shortened ulna and a left forelimb without an ulna
• one fetus surviving to ~E16.5, exhibits a right forelimb with absent metacarpals and phalanges of the fifth digit, and absent phalanges of the fourth digiit; the left forelimb lacks an ulna and carpals as well as metacarpals and phalanges of the fourth and fifth digits
• rare homozygous fetuses that survive to E16.5 (2/35), display small, malformed pelvic bones

cardiovascular system
• 6 of 24 homozygotes show a reduction in yolk sac vasculature prior to E10.5
• 6 of 24 homozygotes exhibit small or absent yolk sac blood vessels prior to E10.5

• homozygotes display failure of mammary bud induction at E12.5-E13.5
• homozygotes exhibit absence or reduction of mammary buds between E11.5 and E13.5
• no mammary buds are detected at E12.5, although at E13.5 one of seven mutants displayed a single, small pair of mammary buds at the level corresponding to bud number 2, and a second mutant had a single, unilateral bud in a similar position; however, these appeared less organized relative to wild-type mammary buds

Mouse Models of Human Disease
DO ID OMIM ID(s) Ref(s)
ulnar-mammary syndrome DOID:0060614 OMIM:181450

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory