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Phenotypes Associated with This Genotype
involves: 129X1/SvJ
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Mouse lines carrying:
Tlx3tm1Sjk mutation (0 available); any Tlx3 mutation (14 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• homozygotes develop to term but die shortly after birth from a central respiratory failure
• homozygotes die from hypoventilation within 24 hrs of birth, even when respiration is transiently initiated by mechanical stimulation

• most newborn pups exhibit severe cyanosis

respiratory system
• C4 vetral root recordings in medulla-spinal cord preparations from newborn homozygotes reveal a rapid respiratory rate with shorter inspiratory duration and intermittent respiratory arrest of ~7.4 sec in duration relative to wild-type controls
• during non-apnea periods, homozygotes display an increased respiratory rate relative to wild-type mice
• most newborn homozygotes display immediate apnea
• electromyographic activity of intercostal muscles indicates a high incidence of apnea episodes of up to 20 sec in duration
• mutant pups exhibit an average of ~13 apnea episodes of more than or equal to 5 sec during 10 min of observation relative to only 1 episode in wild-type mice
• the average duration of an apnea episode is nearly doubled in mutant mice relative to wild-type mice

nervous system
• homozygotes show no major histopathologic abnormalities in cranial sensory neurons and brain nuclei
• no significant neuron loss or gliosis is observed
• homozygotes display abnormal D2 interneuron development, as suggested by loss of Isl1 expression (a marker for D2 interneurons) in the dorsal spinal cord at E11.5
• homozygotes display abnormal D4 interneuron development in the caudal spinal cord, as indicated by expression loss of both Lmx1b and Phox2a in ventrally migrating D4 interneurons at E11.5; in contrast, the most dorsal Lmx1b expression is unaffected
• newborn homozygotes display a functional disorder in the central pattern generator of respiration in the ventral medulla
• a coordinate pattern is observed in which failure of inspiratory neuron firing correlates with the respiratory arrest measured as C4 ventral root activity

• newborn homozygotes always lack gastric milk

immune system
• newborn homozygotes display fully developed spleens

digestive/alimentary system
• newborn homozygotes do not display colonic abnormalities

Mouse Models of Human Disease
DO ID OMIM ID(s) Ref(s)
congenital central hypoventilation syndrome DOID:0060731 OMIM:209880

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory