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Phenotypes Associated with This Genotype
involves: 129S1/Sv
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Mouse lines carrying:
Etv4tm1Arbr mutation (0 available); any Etv4 mutation (41 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
nervous system
• at E12.5 in motor neurons that normally express Etv4 axons project caudally but fail to invade the target muscles (latissimus dorsi and cutaneous maximus) and fail to branch normally within the muscles
• at E16.5 severely impaired motor neuron branching is seen in the distal portion of the latissimus dorsi
• at P14 in the latissimus dorsi, only a single nerve branch extends beyond the proximal synaptic zone and this fails to extend distally beyond the intermediate zone
• at E11.5, LacZ+ motor neurons are located in a more dorsal position at the C7/8 of the spinal cord and this dorsal shift becomes more severe from E12.5 to E17.5
• at E11.5 the normal tight clustering of Isl1+/LacZ+ neurons in the lateral motor column is disrupted
• at E12.5 in motor neurons that normally express Etv4 axons project caudally but fail to invade the target muscles (latissimus dorsi and cutaneous maximus) and fail to branch normally within the muscles
• at E16.5 severely impaired motor neuron branching is seen in the distal portion of the latissimus dorsi
• at P14 in the latissimus dorsi, only a single nerve branch extends beyond the proximal synaptic zone and this fails to extend distally beyond the intermediate zone
• motor neurons that do not normally express Etv4 show normal innervation
• at E13.5 in the lateral motor column a 30% and 80% decrease is detected in the numbers of Isl1+/HB9+ and LacZ+ neurons, respectively, without any increase in apoptosis
• the interosseous nerve is present but thinner than in wild-type mice
• 25% decrease in pacinian corpuscle numbers in the crus at P0-P1
• remaining corpuscles are smaller than wild-type but structurally similar

renal/urinary system
• in 9% of mice
• in 2% of mice

• subtle defect in forelimb coordination

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory