• proportions of homozygotes normal at E18.5
• most deaths within 4 days after birth
• survivors lack overt phenotype and are fertile
• extra sternebrae in 9% of homozygotes, develops from manubrium
• some cases of fusion of adjacent sternebrae
• irregularities in sternocostal attachments
• C7 rib development extensive on one or both sides
• L1 ribs in 19% of individuals
rib fusion
• one third of C7 ribs were fused ventrally with first thoracic rib but occasionally make independent contact with sternum
• C7 ribs in 73% of homozygotes at birth
• percent of C7 ribs lower in homozygotes surviving to adulthood
• absence of tuberulum anterior on C6 making it more similar to C3, C4, C5
• L1 ribs in 19% of individuals