nervous system
• at E12.5 commissural axons appear disorganized as they exit the floor plate lacking the typical bundled morphology
• at E12.5 more commissural axons stall and fail to exit the floor plate (78% versus 28% in controls) or recross the floor plate (~20% versus 0% in controls; controls in this study were Slit1tm1.1Matl homozygotes)
• the lateral funiculus (white matter tract) is significantly thinner in triple homozygous mutants compared to controls
• at E12.5 commissural axons appear disorganized as they exit the floor plate lacking the typical bundled morphology
• at E12.5 more commissural axons stall and fail to exit the floor plate (78% versus 28% in controls) or recross the floor plate (~20% versus 0% in controls; controls in this study were Slit1tm1.1Matl homozygotes)