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Phenotypes Associated with This Genotype
involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * CD-1
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Mouse lines carrying:
Fmodtm1Aol mutation (1 available); any Fmod mutation (22 available)
Lumtm1Chak mutation (1 available); any Lum mutation (22 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype

Fmodtm1Aol/Fmodtm1Aol Lumtm1Chak/Lumtm1Chak mice display decreased body size, abnormal gait and abnormal limb morphology

• double homozygotes exhibit a severe gait impairment and walk on the dorsal part of the foot

cardiovascular system
• double homozygotes show increased vasculature of the myocardium
• double homozygotes display myofiber disorganization but no signs of fibrosis
• in double mutant mice, the weight of the whole heart, normalized for body weight, is decreased relative to wild-type
• double homozygotes bruise easily

• double mutants are viable and fertile but significantly smaller than wild-type
• double homozygotes show a 23% reduction in body weight relative to wild-type

immune system
• double mutants display age-dependent osteoarthritis

• double homozygotes have bowed legs
• the distal femur shows a hypertrophic response, providing extra trabecular tissue to support the misaligned patella
• double homozygotes display a 2-fold increase in knee joint deflection, indicating increased joint laxity
• 65% of double homozygotes show a medial misalignment of the patella and a secondary patellar groove

• double homozygotes display myofiber disorganization but no signs of fibrosis
• at 5 months, tendons from double mutants show abnormal collagen fibrils, many with cauliflower-like contours, indicating abnormal lateral growth
• as in the wild-type, the small diameter fibrils constitute ~25% of the total population in double mutant mice; however, the large diameter population increases to 32% (vs 28% in wild-type), with 7% (vs 5% in wild-type) in the >220-nm range
• double mutants show a 61% reduction in tendon stiffness and a 49% reduction in tensile modulus relative to wild-type
• the magnitude of reduction in stiffness associated with fibromodulin deficiency depends on the number of functional lumican alleles
• double homozygotes display extreme loss of tendon strength

• double mutants display age-dependent osteoarthritis
• the distal femur shows a hypertrophic response, providing extra trabecular tissue to support the misaligned patella
• double homozygotes display a 2-fold increase in knee joint deflection, indicating increased joint laxity
• 65% of double homozygotes show a medial misalignment of the patella and a secondary patellar groove
• at 5 months, tendons from double mutants show abnormal collagen fibrils, many with cauliflower-like contours, indicating abnormal lateral growth
• as in the wild-type, the small diameter fibrils constitute ~25% of the total population in double mutant mice; however, the large diameter population increases to 32% (vs 28% in wild-type), with 7% (vs 5% in wild-type) in the >220-nm range
• double mutants show a 61% reduction in tendon stiffness and a 49% reduction in tensile modulus relative to wild-type
• the magnitude of reduction in stiffness associated with fibromodulin deficiency depends on the number of functional lumican alleles
• by 5 months, double homozygotes exhibit severe articular cartilage degeneration due to abnormal usage of the joint

• corneas from double homozygotes appear cloudy and slightly granular relative to wild-type
• the double mutant eyes are more elliptical and show a 10% increase in ocular axial length relative to wild-type
• in double homozygotes, the lower the body weight, the greater the ocular axial length
• at 1-5 months, 80% of double mutant eyes exhibit several areas of retinal detachment with extensive subretinal debris
• posterior scleras have a larger fraction of cauliflower-like collagen fibrils, as well as localized areas of small- to very large-diameter fibrils of aberrant contour
• in double homozygotes, the posterior sclera is significantly thinner
• consistent with sclera thinning, the mean number of collagen fibril lamella across the sclera is reduced
• double mutant scleras show significantly higher lamellar disorganization, more fibril-poor areas and abnormal fibril packing relative to wild-type or to either single mutant
• taken together, double homozygotes show some of the key features of high myopia, including sclera thinning, increased ocular length, and retinal detachment

• double homozygotes exhibit skin laxity and fragility
• double homozygotes display a reduction in skin tensile strength relative to wild-type

Mouse Models of Human Disease
DO ID OMIM ID(s) Ref(s)
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome classic type 1 DOID:14720 OMIM:130000

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory