• usually between 10 to 13 weeks of age
• mice can die suddenly
nervous system
• average of 19% smaller than wildtype
limb grasping
• dyskinesia of limbs when suspended by the tail
• progressive resting tremor in limbs, trunk and head
• involuntary jerky shudders
• mice lose balance when sitting on hind limbs, turning and grooming their backs
• onset of motor impairment as early as 4 weeks of age
• stereotypic repetitive stroking of the nose and face, hind limb kicking and scratching movement
• 2 distinct characteristic vocalizations observed
endocrine/exocrine glands
• islets exhibit huntingtin inclusions in 24% of cells by 12 weeks of age
• islets exhibit huntingtin inclusions in 19% of cells by 7 weeks of age, by week 12 frequency is greater than 95%
• islets are hypotrophic by 12 weeks, BrdU incorporation is reduced 6-fold
• significant reduction in insulin and somatostatin content by 12 weeks
• islets are smaller in size by 12 weeks
• islets contain few insulin secretory vesicles by 12 weeks
• by 12 weeks, no signs of apoptosis or necrosis are observed
• islets exhibit huntingtin inclusions in 6% of cells by 12 weeks of age
• small seminal ducts and gland size
small ovary
small testis
• body weight declines after 10 weeks
weight loss
• body weight is normal at weaning
• with progression of phenotype up to 30% of body weight can be lost
• overall loss of muscle bulk observed
• abnormal glucose homeostasis
• insulin secretion in response to glucose and KCl is decreased 4-fold and 2.5-fold, respectively, by 12 weeks of age
• identified at 11.5 weeks of age, insulin response absent
renal/urinary system
reproductive system
• small seminal ducts and gland size
small testis
• smaller size ovaries and uteri often observed
small ovary
small uterus
Mouse Models of Human Disease |
DO ID | OMIM ID(s) | Ref(s) | |
Huntington's disease | DOID:12858 |
OMIM:143100 |
J:36689 |