• heterozygous mutants die between 150 to 750 days after birth, however this survival curve is no different from heterozygous Trp53 mice
• median survival for the combined population of both males and females is 499 days i.e., similar to that of mice heterozygous for both Trp53 tm3.1Glo and Pmltm1Ppp (504 days)
• median survival is 515 days for male mice and 463 days for female mice
• the osteosarcomas and carcinomas of heterozygous mutants metastasized when compared to heterozygous Trp53tm1Tyj mice
• 31.5% of heterozygous mutants developed lymphomas
• 52% of mice develop lymphomas (when expressed as a % of tumor type); 13% of mice develop two tumor types, lymphomas and sarcomas
• 44% of mice exhibit lymphomas when tumor incidence is evaluated per mouse, including those that succumb to EMH, and expressed as a % disease/total number of mice
• when tumors are segregated by gender, 50% of males and 38% of females exhibit lymphomas (expressed as a % disease/total number of mice)
• only ~10% of lymphoid tumors are T-cell lymphomas
• immunophenotyping of lymphocytes from terminally resected tumors showed that ~90% of lymphoid tumors are B-cell lymphomas
• 15.5% of heterozygous mutants developed carcinomas, which are rare in homozygotes
• 4% of mice develop carcinomas (whether expressed as a % of tumor type or as a % disease/total number of mice)
• when tumors are segregated by gender, 0% of males and 8% of females exhibit carcinomas (expressed as a % disease/total number of mice)
• 53% of heterozygous mutants developed sarcomas
• 43% of mice develop sarcomas (when expressed as a % of tumor type); 13% of mice develop two tumor types, lymphomas and sarcomas
• 37% of mice exhibit sarcomas (when expressed as a % disease/total number of mice)
• when tumors are segregated by gender, 14% of males and 8% of females exhibit soft-tissue sarcomas (expressed as a % disease/total number of mice)
• when tumors are segregated by gender, 14% of males and 38% of females exhibit osteosarcomas (expressed as a % disease/total number of mice)
• higher DNA synthesis in MEFs with cells continuing to synthesize DNA between days 6 and 10 of culture compared to wildtype or heterozygous or homozygous Trp53tm1Tyj MEFs which reached a quiescent state at day 6 and did not reenter the cell cycle
• irradiated E13.5 heterozygous embryos showed no evidence of apoptosis in the hypothalamus compared to wildtype and heterozygous Trp53tm1Tyj mutants that showed a high number of apoptotic cells
• MEFs initially did not show any significant differences in growth rate but by day 4, grew more rapidly than wildtype or heterozygous or homozygous null Trp53tm1Tyj MEFs and reached a much higher saturation density
hematopoietic system
• only ~10% of lymphoid tumors are T-cell lymphomas
• mice exhibit pronounced hepatosplenomegaly
• 41% mice exhibit extramedullary hematopoiesis (EMH), with no histological evidence of transformation to acute leukemia
• EMH is associated with peripheral blood leukocytosis and macrocytic anemia, indicative of a myeloproliferative/myelodysplastic overlap
• when segregated by gender, 43% of males and 31% of females exhibit EMH
• mice with EMH exhibit macrocytic anemia
• mice with EMH exhibit peripheral blood leukocytosis
immune system
• only ~10% of lymphoid tumors are T-cell lymphomas
• mice exhibit pronounced hepatosplenomegaly
• mice with EMH exhibit peripheral blood leukocytosis
liver/biliary system
• mice exhibit pronounced hepatosplenomegaly
• average body weight is significantly lower than that in C57BL/6 wild-type controls
• mice exhibit pronounced hepatosplenomegaly
• when tumors are segregated by gender, 14% of males and 38% of females exhibit osteosarcomas (expressed as a % disease/total number of mice)
endocrine/exocrine glands
• only ~10% of lymphoid tumors are T-cell lymphomas
Mouse Models of Human Disease |
DO ID | OMIM ID(s) | Ref(s) | |
Li-Fraumeni syndrome | DOID:3012 |
OMIM:PS151623 |
J:95318 |