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Phenotypes Associated with This Genotype
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Mouse lines carrying:
Cdh23v-2J mutation (1 available); any Cdh23 mutation (281 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• lateral links that connect stereocilia to each other are sparse and frequently disrupted
• apical links are not present in P5 mice
• at E18.5, stereocilia of the inner hair cells (IHCs) are positioned correctly, but are in a disorganized line instead of a crescent shape (J:66698)
• at P4, IHCs remain disorganized (J:66698)
• E17.5 embryos have disorganized and fragmented inner hair cell (IHC) stereociliary bundles (J:135991)
• stereociliary generally assemble into two to three clumps at the cell apical surface instead of forming single V-shaped bundles (J:135991)
• kinocilia are often dissociated from the stereociliary clumps
• kinocillia show large mean deviations from the plane cell polarity axis (PCP) with only 14% of the kinocillia being within 15 degrees of the PCP compared to 84% in wild-type mice
• the mean absolute kinociliary deviation is 52 degrees compared to 8 degrees in wild-type mice
• at E18.5, the outer hair cells (OHCs) appear immature
• at E18.5, the kinocilium is often misplaced from the lateral pole of each cell and the stereocilia, when present, are positioned correctly (J:66698)
• at P4, all OHCs project stereocilia, but they are present in random clumps instead of a V-shaped pattern (J:66698)
• E18.5 embryos have disorganized and fragmented outer hair cell (OHC) stereociliary bundles (J:135991)
• stereociliary generally assemble into two to three clumps at the cell apical surface instead of forming single V-shaped bundles (J:135991)
• kinocilia are often dissociated from the stereociliary clumps
• in some cases at E18.5, outer hair cells (OHCs) projected no recognizable stereocilia
• in some cases at E18.5, outer hair cells (OHCs) projected fewer stereocilia
• at P4, stereocilia appear thick and are often fused and disorganized
• mice at 3-4 weeks of age do not return normal waveforms at a sound pressure level of 100 dB
• VESPs are absent at the maximum stimulus intensity used

• abnormal drop reflex; mice do not demonstrate expected dorsoflexion and spread out the front paws when quickly lowered from ~20 cm above a table surface, while controls do exhibit this behavior
• mice exhibit poor swimming ability; mice can not maneuver in the water and can not remain at the surface

• mice do not exhibit signs of retinal degeneration up to 12 months of age and the melanosomes of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) are properly localized
• electroretinography analysis of mutant retinas show no difference in amplitudes of a- and b-waves, but the implicit times of both waves are significantly faster from the earliest detectable points
• electroretinography analysis of mutant retinas show no difference in amplitudes of a- and b-waves, but the implicit times of both waves are significantly faster from the earliest detectable points

nervous system
• lateral links that connect stereocilia to each other are sparse and frequently disrupted
• apical links are not present in P5 mice
• at E18.5, stereocilia of the inner hair cells (IHCs) are positioned correctly, but are in a disorganized line instead of a crescent shape (J:66698)
• at P4, IHCs remain disorganized (J:66698)
• E17.5 embryos have disorganized and fragmented inner hair cell (IHC) stereociliary bundles (J:135991)
• stereociliary generally assemble into two to three clumps at the cell apical surface instead of forming single V-shaped bundles (J:135991)
• kinocilia are often dissociated from the stereociliary clumps
• kinocillia show large mean deviations from the plane cell polarity axis (PCP) with only 14% of the kinocillia being within 15 degrees of the PCP compared to 84% in wild-type mice
• the mean absolute kinociliary deviation is 52 degrees compared to 8 degrees in wild-type mice
• at E18.5, the outer hair cells (OHCs) appear immature
• at E18.5, the kinocilium is often misplaced from the lateral pole of each cell and the stereocilia, when present, are positioned correctly (J:66698)
• at P4, all OHCs project stereocilia, but they are present in random clumps instead of a V-shaped pattern (J:66698)
• E18.5 embryos have disorganized and fragmented outer hair cell (OHC) stereociliary bundles (J:135991)
• stereociliary generally assemble into two to three clumps at the cell apical surface instead of forming single V-shaped bundles (J:135991)
• kinocilia are often dissociated from the stereociliary clumps
• in some cases at E18.5, outer hair cells (OHCs) projected no recognizable stereocilia
• in some cases at E18.5, outer hair cells (OHCs) projected fewer stereocilia
• at P4, stereocilia appear thick and are often fused and disorganized

• kinocilia are often dissociated from the stereociliary clumps
• kinocilia are often dissociated from the stereociliary clumps

Mouse Models of Human Disease
DO ID OMIM ID(s) Ref(s)
Usher syndrome type 1D DOID:0110831 OMIM:601067

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory