• mutants show increased levels of dopamine in their brains
• mutants have elevated noradrenaline levels in the brain
• mutants have elevated serotonin levels in their brains
• in the open field test, adult mutants spend increased time in the center with hesitation about which direction to take (although if this is due to sensory or cognitive deficits or reduced fear is not known); for 12-week old mice, male mutants spent significantly greater time in the center than did controls
• between days 11 and 16, animals run frantically and fall over
• i.p. injection of MAOB inhibitors into adult mutants disrupts feeding
• between days 11 and 16, animals have a greater tendency to bite the experimenter
• in the Porsolt's swim test, adult mutants make persistent attempts to escape, whereas controls spend more time floating; 9-week old male mutants spend significantly reduced time immobile in the water compared to control C3H animals
• between days 11 and 16, animals promptly dig to hide under shavings in response to moderate sound and movement
• i.p. injection of MAOB inhibitors into adult mutants disrupts self-grooming
• between days 5 and 10, when placed on a new surface, animals move backward instead of pivoting
• between days 5 and 10, animals display prolonged righting compared to C3H controls
• in a beam-walking test, adult mutants grasp the edge of the beam with their hindlimbs whereas C3H adults are sure footed
• between days 11 and 16, mice have a hunched posture
head bobbing
• neonates display intense head nodding behavior
• between days 11 and 16, sleep is accompanied by violent shaking and jumps dispersing littermates
• between days 5 and 10, animals display prolonged, stronger reactions to pinching
• i.p. injection of MAOB inhibitors into adult mutants disrupts social interaction
• in 6-12 week old animals, males housed in groups from time of weaning display offensive aggressive behavior, signified by bite wounds on genitals and rump: wounds are most apparent at 3 months of age
• when males are placed with a nonreceptive female for 30 minutes, courtship is disrupted by episodes of grasping reflected by increased female squeaking compared with control C3H male courtship behavior
• in resident-intruder paradigms, mutant males attacked intruders faster than C3H controls which displayed intense social investigation and home cage checking initially
nervous system
• somatosensory cortex of male mutant pups and adults display complete absence of cylindrical aggregates of granule cells (barrels) in layer IV
Mouse Models of Human Disease |
DO ID | OMIM ID(s) | Ref(s) | |
Brunner Syndrome | DOID:0060693 |
OMIM:300615 |
J:26232 |