• males show increased mortality after pressure overload (transverse aortic constriction), with only 56% surviving 14 days post TAC
cardiovascular system
• myocyte cross-sectional area is reduced by 33% in male hearts
small heart
• hearts are smaller in males, but not females, due to smaller myocytes
• male atrial, ventricular, and total heart wet weights are reduced by 18%, 16%, and 16%, respectively, however females have normal sized hearts
• male heart growth after weaning is 40% less than in wild-type
• cardiac output is reduced by 27% in conscious males
• conscious males show a 20% reduction in end-diastolic volume which causes a smaller stroke volume
• ventricular trabeculae have higher submaximal force at 2 mM extracellular calcium concentration than wild-type, however peaks of fura-2 calcium transients are not different, suggesting the myocardium has increased myofilament calcium sensitivity
• ventricular trabeculae have lower maximal force than wild-type at high extracellular calcium concentrations (6 mM), however peak cystolic calcium concentration is not different
• maximum tetanic force of trabeculae is lower than in wild-type
• trabeculae develop higher forces at all pacing rates tested than wild-type
• in anesthetized males, but not conscious males, indices of contractility (fractional shortening and ejection fraction) are increased slightly and left ventricular wall thickness and mass and end-systolic chamber size are reduced and the left ventricle end-diastolic chamber size tends to be smaller
• 2.5 mM calcium Langendorff-perfused hearts have higher developed pressure than wild-type
• conscious young males and females show reduced heart rate, although blood pressure is normal and anesthetized mice show no difference in heart rate
• myocardium shows increased myofilament calcium-sensitivity and decreased responsiveness to beta-adrenergic stimulation
• males show increased mortality and heart failure after pressure overload
• heart failure is seen in males exposed to pressure overload
• males run significantly less in both a voluntary and forced exercise test, indicating reduced exercise capacity
• males show increased mortality and heart failure after pressure overload
• myocyte cross-sectional area is reduced by 33% in male hearts
• ventricular trabeculae have higher submaximal force at 2 mM extracellular calcium concentration than wild-type, however peaks of fura-2 calcium transients are not different, suggesting the myocardium has increased myofilament calcium sensitivity
• ventricular trabeculae have lower maximal force than wild-type at high extracellular calcium concentrations (6 mM), however peak cystolic calcium concentration is not different
• maximum tetanic force of trabeculae is lower than in wild-type
• trabeculae develop higher forces at all pacing rates tested than wild-type
• in anesthetized males, but not conscious males, indices of contractility (fractional shortening and ejection fraction) are increased slightly and left ventricular wall thickness and mass and end-systolic chamber size are reduced and the left ventricle end-diastolic chamber size tends to be smaller
renal/urinary system
• females exhibit larger kidneys than wild-type
• males run significantly less in both a voluntary and forced exercise test, indicating reduced exercise capacity
• females exhibit larger kidneys than wild-type