• increase in left ventricle wall thickness and mass is seen by 6 months of age but not at 2 months of age
• induced weight loss via leptin infusion, but not via caloric restriction, partially resolves the hypertrophy
• increase in body weight becomes apparent at 4-6 weeks of age
• body weight is 2- to 3-fold more than in wild-type mice by 10 weeks of age
• body weight is 10% and 20% more in males and females, respectively, compared to Leprrtm1Mgmj homozygotes
• develop progressive obesity
• snout to anus length is decreased by about 5% compared to wild-type mice
cardiovascular system
• exhibit myocyte hypertrophy
• increase in left ventricle wall thickness and mass is seen by 6 months of age but not at 2 months of age
• induced weight loss via leptin infusion, but not via caloric restriction, partially resolves the hypertrophy
• exhibit myocyte hypertrophy
• increase in left ventricle wall thickness and mass is seen by 6 months of age but not at 2 months of age
• induced weight loss via leptin infusion, but not via caloric restriction, partially resolves the hypertrophy
• HDL cholesterol and glucose levels increase concurrently
• Background Sensitivity: plasma lipid levels are similar at 3.5 and 14 months of age on the C57BL/6J background unlike on a C57BL/KsJ background
• fasting plasma total cholesterol concentration is increased 2 fold over controls
• triglyceride levels are elevated 1.5- to 2-fold
• female mice exhibit an increase in hypothalamic gonadotrophin releasing hormone compared to in wild-type mice
• decreased adiponectin levels in serum
• elevated levels of eotaxin, keratinocyte cytokine, and monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (also elevated in serum) in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid
• elevated levels of IL-6 in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid
• elevated levels of IL-6 in serum
reproductive system
• atrophy of the reproductive organs
small uterus
absent estrus
• females never show signs of vaginal oestrous
• mice exhibit diestrous vaginal acyclicity or occasional metestrous acyclicity
• all females fail to reproduce
respiratory system
• elevated levels of eotaxin, Il6, keratinocyte cytokine, monocyte chemotactic protein-1, and neutrophiles in bronchoalveolar lavage as a result of ozone exposure
• ozone induces significantly elevated levels of TNFR1
• ozone induces a nonsignificant elevation of TNFR2 levels
• elevated pulmonary levels of Il1beta mRNA 24 hours after ozone exposure
• elevated pulmonary levels of TNF mRNA 24 hours after ozone exposure but to a lesser extent than in controls
• reduced
• pressure volume curves shifted to the right
• end-expiratory pause increases considerably less than in controls after ozone exposure
• total lung resistance increases much more in response to ozone than in control mice
• responsiveness to methacholine and serotonin is much greater than controls
• ventilation volumes decline with ozone exposure but to a lesser degree than for controls
immune system
• increased numbers in bronchoalveolar lavage
• decrease blood leukocyte numbers
• elevated levels of eotaxin, keratinocyte cytokine, and monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (also elevated in serum) in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid
• elevated levels of IL-6 in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid
• elevated levels of IL-6 in serum
• elevated levels of eotaxin, Il6, keratinocyte cytokine, monocyte chemotactic protein-1, and neutrophiles in bronchoalveolar lavage as a result of ozone exposure
• ozone induces significantly elevated levels of TNFR1
• ozone induces a nonsignificant elevation of TNFR2 levels
• elevated pulmonary levels of Il1beta mRNA 24 hours after ozone exposure
• elevated pulmonary levels of TNF mRNA 24 hours after ozone exposure but to a lesser extent than in controls
• increased metastasis to the lung of both melanoma cell lines and lung cancer cell lines initially injected in the tail vein
hematopoietic system
• increased numbers in bronchoalveolar lavage
• decrease blood leukocyte numbers
nervous system