• homozygotes display postnatal growth delay
• homozygotes display prenatal growth delay
• osteoid is markedly reduced in mutants; cells are producing osteoid at slower rate, as indicated by reduced MAR
• growth plate shows slightly disorganized columns of proliferating chondrocytes with focal areas of cell drop-out
• shortening of long bone segments (particularly proximal limb segments - rhizomelia) is manifestation of pre- and postnatal growth delays
• mice develop progressive and severe kyphoscoliosis over the first 6 months of age
• mutant bones have decreased bone volume/tissue volume ratio
• mice show decreased trabecular thickness and trabecular number, while trabecular separation is increased
• mice exhibit low bone mass compared to wild-type
• skeleton shows evidence of marked osteoporosis
• mineralization lag time (Mlt) is reduced; osteoid is mineralizing at faster rate than wild-type
• bone formation rate (BFR) is reduced due to reduction in mineral apposition rate (MAR)
• osteoid is markedly reduced in mutants; cells are producing osteoid at slower rate, as indicated by reduced MAR
Mouse Models of Human Disease |
DO ID | OMIM ID(s) | Ref(s) | |
osteogenesis imperfecta type 7 | DOID:0110337 |
OMIM:610682 |
J:116096 |