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Phenotypes Associated with This Genotype
involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ
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Mouse lines carrying:
Serpinc1tm1Dwr mutation (0 available); any Serpinc1 mutation (28 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• beyond weaning, survival remains compromised with death at various ages and only about 30% survival beyond 6 months
• frequently die within 24 hours after birth
• only 60% reach weaning age

• plasma displays low heparin cofactor activity
• develop spontaneous life-threatening thrombosis, as early as the day of birth; rarely seen at E18.5
• thormbotic events in adults are most prominent in the heart, liver, and in ocular, placental, and penile vessels
• pentasaccharide does not inhibit thrombus formation as in wild-type when thrombosis is induced
• thrombosis is not seen in other organs nor in the larger vessels like the caval vein, femoral artery and vein, and branchial vein
• 6 of 16 adults show massive thrombosis in the atria and/or ventricles, often associated with leukocyte infiltration
• 2 of 4 pups at P0 show clots in the heart; in neonates, spontaneous death is associated with major thrombosis in the heart
• 6 of 16 adults show massive thrombosis in the atria and/or ventricles that is often associated with leukocyte infiltration
• severe thrombosis in the placenta of pregnant females, irrespective of the embryo genotype


cardiovascular system
• 3 of 14 adults show vessel occlusion in the lungs
• some show ocular vein occlusion
• 50% of sexually active males show occlusion of the dorsal penile vein
• 12 of 15 adults show signs of portal hypertension, characterized by nodular regenerative hyperplasia, dilatation of the sinusoids and formation of shunt vessels

liver/biliary system
• 12 of 15 adults show signs of portal hypertension, characterized by nodular regenerative hyperplasia, dilatation of the sinusoids and formation of shunt vessels
• presence of neutrophil clusters in the sinusoids and of phagocytosing macrophages in the parenchyme, indicating in inflammatory response in the liver
• 2 of 4 one-day-old pups show infracted zones in the liver with coagulative necrosis, indicating impaired blood flow in the liver
• coagulative necrosis in the liver
• macrovesicular steatosis, the accumulation of fat in vesicles that displace the cytoplasm and distort the nucleus
• liver shows nodular regenerative hyperplasia

immune system
• presence of neutrophil clusters in the sinusoids and of phagocytosing macrophages in the parenchyme, indicating in inflammatory response in the liver

hematopoietic system

• 26% of males and 47% of females display severe degeneration of the eyes with blood accumulation in the front part of the eye
• when eye degeneration is observed, occasional perforation of the cornea is seen
• when eye degeneration is observed, disruption of the retina is often seen
• in mutants with eye degeneration, the retinal layer is not seen
• in mutants with eye degeneration, the pigment epithelium is not seen
• in mutants with eye degeneration, the sclera is not seen
• in mutants with eye degeneration, the choroid is not seen

reproductive system
• severe thrombosis in the penile veins of sexually active males
• 50% of all sexually active males develop irreversible priapism due to occlusion of the dorsal penile vein and impaired drainage and thrombosis of the corpora cavernosa
• most likely due to placental thrombosis

renal/urinary system
• severe thrombosis in the penile veins of sexually active males

• in mutants with eye degeneration, the pigment epithelium is not seen

Mouse Models of Human Disease
DO ID OMIM ID(s) Ref(s)
antithrombin III deficiency DOID:3755 OMIM:613118

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory