• 7/15 transgenic mice developed cataracts when fed a 20% galactose diet for 7 days; 2/7 only displayed cataracts while 5 mice also developed occlusion of the retinochoroidal vessels
renal/urinary system
• multiple fibrinous deposits were observed in the Bowman's capsule of many glomeruli in 4/5 mice fed a normal diet
• mice fed a 20% galactose diet show fibrinous deposits in Bowman's capsules of kidneys while littermates fed the same diet show no histopathological changes
cardiovascular system
• 5/15 mice fed a 20% galactose diet for 7 days developed cataracts and occlusion of retinochoroidal vessels while another 2 mice developed vascular occlusion only
• sorbitol concentration in liver, kidney, and muscle after intake of 30% glucose chow for 5 days increases by 1.7, 2.1, and 2.0, respectively compared to control littermates; levels with normal diet are not significantly different between transgenic mice and controls
• activity of purified AR from transgenic mouse muscle is 5-6 fold higher than in muscle from littermates