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Phenotypes Associated with This Genotype
involves: 129S1/Sv * 129S6/SvEvTac * C57BL/6 * C57BL/6J
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Mouse lines carrying:
Thrbtm1.1Syc mutation (0 available); any Thrb mutation (41 available)
Thrbtm1Df mutation (1 available); any Thrb mutation (41 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• begin to die at about 5 months of age; 50% die by around 11 months of age and none survive beyond 16 months of age

endocrine/exocrine glands
• 10- and 41-fold increase in the size of thyroid glands at 3-6 months of age and 12-15 months of age, respectively
• spontaneously develop follicular thyroid carcinoma through the pathological progression of hyperplasia, capsular and vascular invasion, anaplasia, and eventually metastasis to the lung but not the lymph nodes

respiratory system
• respiratory distress due to the compression of the trachea by he enlarged thyroid glands

• spontaneously develop follicular thyroid carcinoma through the pathological progression of hyperplasia, capsular and vascular invasion, anaplasia, and eventually metastasis to the lung but not the lymph nodes

Mouse Models of Human Disease
DO ID OMIM ID(s) Ref(s)
follicular thyroid carcinoma DOID:3962 OMIM:188470

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory