• fasting glucose levels elevated 25% during pregnancy
• profound glucose intolerance during pregnancy
• glucose levels 41% higher in a glucose tolerance test at 30 and at 60 minute time points
• 45-55% higher glucose levels after a glucose challenge but dramatically improved by leptin treatment and glucose levels reduced 33 and 30% in glucose tolerance tests at 30 and 60 minute time points
• females exhibit impaired glucose tolerance during pregnancy
• both male and female heterozygous offspring have impaired glucose tolerance irrespective of maternal environment (heterozygous or wild-type mothers)
• elevated placental leptin levels in pregnant females
• 2.2X increase in fasting insulin during pregnancy compared to a 3X increase in controls
• leptin treatment results in a 14% reduction in insulin levels compared to a 45% reduction in controls
• pregnant dams exhibit lower fasting insulin levels than wild-type mothers
• mothers exhibit higher circulating leptin levels than wild-type mothers
• heterozygous offspring exhibit an increase in leptin levels at 6 months of age
• birth weights significantly heavier than controls and unaffected by maternal leptin treatment unlike controls where maternal leptin treatment causes a decrease in birth weights
• leptin treatment results in a 14% reduction in insulin levels compared to a 45% reduction in controls
• placentas from heterozygous fetuses are larger than those of wild-type fetuses, irrespective of maternal genotype
• food intake 11% greater than controls during pregnancy
• leptin treatment suppresses food intake to near control levels
• heterozygous fetuses carried by wild-type dams exhibit a 5% higher birth weight than wild-type littermates
• heterozygous fetuses from heterozygous mothers are 3% bigger than wild-type littermates
• however, wild-type pups from heterozygous mothers are no bigger than wild-type fetuses carried by wild-type mothers
• heterozygous pregnant dams are heavier than wild-type mothers at E18.5
• male and female heterozygous offspring from both normal and complicated pregnancies, are heavier than wild-type littermates at 3 and 6 months of age
• 33% greater maternal weight gain
• maternal body weight at term 24% greater than controls
adipose tissue
• 20% greater adipose tissue mass during pregnancy than in controls
• wild-type males born to heterozygous mothers are heavier than wild-type mice born to wild-type mothers, but postnatal weight gain of female offspring is not affected by the maternal environment
• offspring born from heterozygous mothers with gestational diabetes have lower fasting insulin levels and worse glucose tolerance than offspring born from wild-type mothers