• irregular outgrowth of bipolar cell neurites
• irregular outgrowth of horizontal cell neurites into the outer nuclear layer
• cone outer segments appear disorganized
• marker analysis indicates compromised morphology of rod bipolar cell synapses in the inner plexiform layer
• rod bipolar cell dendrites extend beyond the outer plexiform layer, far into the outer nuclear layer unlike in wild-type mice where they are restricted to the outer plexiform layer
• horizontal cell neurites extend far into the outer nuclear layer which is not seen in wild-type mice
• horizontal cell bodies are reduced in the outer plexiform layer and numerous elongated horizontal cell neurites extend far into the outer nuclear layer
• loss of cone pedicles in the outer plexiform layer
• reactive gliosis in Muller glial cells
• both in the dark-adapted (scotopic) and light-adapted (photopic) part of the ERG, the b-wave component and oscillatory potentials are completely absent compared to wild-type mice throughout the stimulus range, indicating a defect in neurotransmission from both rod and cone photoreceptors
• however, the amplitude and threshold of the a-wave is similar to wild-type
• in the vision-guided water-maze task, mice have an increased latency to navigate to a visible platform under both dark and normal light conditions
• in about 38% of the trials in the dark and about 27% of trials during light, mutants do not find the platform within the 2 minute test period compared to wild-type mice which all find the platform
• in contrast to wild-type mice, mutants show no improvement in finding the platform during 3 successive test days under dark or on the 4th test day under normal light
• swimming path of mutants in the vision-guided water-maze task is much longer than in wild-type mice
nervous system
• irregular outgrowth of bipolar cell neurites
• irregular outgrowth of horizontal cell neurites into the outer nuclear layer
• cone outer segments appear disorganized
• marker analysis indicates disturbed synaptic contacts between photoreceptors and second order neurons and indicates a retraction of photoreceptor synapses from the outer plexiform layer into the outer nuclear layer
• loss of cone pedicles in the outer plexiform layer
Mouse Models of Human Disease |
DO ID | OMIM ID(s) | Ref(s) | |
congenital stationary night blindness 2A | DOID:0110871 |
OMIM:300071 |
J:206214 |