digestive/alimentary system
• increase in apoptosis of gut epithelial cells
• intestinal wall is diffusely thickened
• epithelial cell damage in the intestine is associated with intraepithelial neutrophils, lymphocytes, and occasional crypt abscesses
• mice exhibit a patchy interstitial infiltrate without interstitial fibrosis indicating focal interstitial inflammation
• intestine shows an increase in the number of IgA+ plasma cells that massively infiltrate the lamina propria, with many lymphoid follicle-like structures infiltrating the lamina propria of the colon
• mice develop intestinal inflammation with increased lamina propria neutrophils, lymphocytes, plasma cells, and focal epithelial damage
• many of the lamina propria leukocytes are T cells and granulocytes
• at 5-8 months of age, mice develop a colitis like disease with a diffuse thickening of the intestinal wall, inflammatory cell infiltrate in the lamina propria and submucosa, and prominent germinal center formation in a diffuse pattern
• the small intestine is inflamed in 6 month old mice
• increase in apoptosis of gut epithelial cells
• T cells isolated from mice are in a hyper-proliferative state with blastogenic qualities
• there is more than a three fold expansion in the percentage of T cells expressing CD62LlowCD44high activation markers
hematopoietic system
• splenomegaly is evident at 5-8 months of age
• mean weight of spleen is 339.6 mg compared to 88.5 mg in wild-type mice
• the number of splenocytes is about double that of control
• hematopoiesis of the granulocyte / macrophage lineage is detected in the spleen
• serum IgA levels are elevated up to 30- to 40-fold by 6-8 months of age
• serm IgA levels are 10-fold higher as early as 7 weeks of age, before intestinal inflammation is identifiable
• mice exhibit increased glomeruli mesangial deposition of IgA
• serum predominantly contains polymeric IgA rather than monomeric IgA
• mice show IgG deposition in the glomeruli
• T cells disrupt lipid homeostasis in these mice as evidenced by the hypertriglyceridemia and hypercholesterolemia
• transgenic T cells transferred into wild-type hosts cause rises in serum cholesterol
• transgenic T cells also cause a rise in cholesterol levels when transferred into LDLRtm1Her null mice
• there is a five-fold increase in the number of T cells secreting IFN-gamma after in vitro activation
• there is also an increase in the number of T cells producing IL-4
• there is a three-fold increase in GM-CSF production by splenocytes
• T cells isolated from mice are in a hyper-proliferative state with blastogenic qualities
• there is more than a three fold expansion in the percentage of T cells expressing CD62LlowCD44high activation markers
immune system
• splenomegaly is evident at 5-8 months of age
• mean weight of spleen is 339.6 mg compared to 88.5 mg in wild-type mice
• the number of splenocytes is about double that of control
• serum IgA levels are elevated up to 30- to 40-fold by 6-8 months of age
• serm IgA levels are 10-fold higher as early as 7 weeks of age, before intestinal inflammation is identifiable
• mice exhibit increased glomeruli mesangial deposition of IgA
• serum predominantly contains polymeric IgA rather than monomeric IgA
• mice show IgG deposition in the glomeruli
• T cells disrupt lipid homeostasis in these mice as evidenced by the hypertriglyceridemia and hypercholesterolemia
• transgenic T cells transferred into wild-type hosts cause rises in serum cholesterol
• transgenic T cells also cause a rise in cholesterol levels when transferred into LDLRtm1Her null mice
• there is a five-fold increase in the number of T cells secreting IFN-gamma after in vitro activation
• there is also an increase in the number of T cells producing IL-4
• there is a three-fold increase in GM-CSF production by splenocytes
• T cells isolated from mice are in a hyper-proliferative state with blastogenic qualities
• there is more than a three fold expansion in the percentage of T cells expressing CD62LlowCD44high activation markers
• mice exhibit increased glomerular deposition of complement C3
• ratio of T cells to B cells is almost 5-fold greater than in controls
• lymph nodes are larger by 5-8 months of age
• there is a 7-fold increase in the number of lymph node cells
• the increase in cell number is due expansion of the T cell zone
• rheumatoid factors are increased in these mice
• presence of anti-DNA IgA antibody in aged mice
• anti-DNA antibody levels are eight-fold higher than controls
• IgA level in fecal extracts of aged mice is decreased indicating reduced IgA secretion
• transgenic mice administered a labeled polymeric IgA intravenously show a higher level of polymeric IgA in serum compared to wild-type mice indicating a longer half-life and that mice have defects in clearing the polymeric IgA from the circulation
• mice exhibit a patchy interstitial infiltrate without interstitial fibrosis indicating focal interstitial inflammation
• intestine shows an increase in the number of IgA+ plasma cells that massively infiltrate the lamina propria, with many lymphoid follicle-like structures infiltrating the lamina propria of the colon
• mice develop intestinal inflammation with increased lamina propria neutrophils, lymphocytes, plasma cells, and focal epithelial damage
• many of the lamina propria leukocytes are T cells and granulocytes
• at 5-8 months of age, mice develop a colitis like disease with a diffuse thickening of the intestinal wall, inflammatory cell infiltrate in the lamina propria and submucosa, and prominent germinal center formation in a diffuse pattern
• the small intestine is inflamed in 6 month old mice
• inflammatory infiltrate in the portal areas of the liver are observed
• mice spontaneously develop diffuse global proliferative glomerulonephritis
involving over 80% of the glomeruli
• the involved glomeruli are diffusely enlarged, demonstrating mesangial prominence and intracapillary and extracapillary proliferation with obliteration of the capillary lumina
• basement membranes are thickened
• inflammatory infiltrate in the pulmonary interstitial is observed
liver/biliary system
• inflammatory infiltrate in the portal areas of the liver are observed
• at 4 to 8 weeks of age, T cell numbers are increased in the liver without any signs of inflammation
respiratory system
• inflammatory infiltrate in the pulmonary interstitial is observed
• cholesterol levels are almost double those of control as 4 to 8 weeks of age
• cholesterol levels are more than double those controls when mice are fed a high-fat diet
• circulating triglyceride levels are elevated by 4 to 8 weeks of age
• this hypertriglyceridemia is elevated further when mice are fed a high-fat diet
• mice exhibit increased glomerular deposition of complement C3
• aged mice exhibit proteinuria
• plaque-like cutaneous lesions ranging from 0.3 cm to 2 cm along with ulceration and scar formation occur in virtually all mice by 5 months of age
renal/urinary system
• aged mice exhibit proteinuria
• mice exhibit increased glomerular deposition of IgA and complement C3
• mice show IgG and weak IgM deposition in the glomeruli
• mice spontaneously develop diffuse global proliferative glomerulonephritis
involving over 80% of the glomeruli
• the involved glomeruli are diffusely enlarged, demonstrating mesangial prominence and intracapillary and extracapillary proliferation with obliteration of the capillary lumina
• basement membranes are thickened
• kidney shows a wide acellular mesangium filled with a periodic acid-Schiff+ material
• glomeruli are almost entirely sclerotic in some mice
• Ig deposits are visible in a coarsely-granular manner
• splenomegaly is evident at 5-8 months of age
• mean weight of spleen is 339.6 mg compared to 88.5 mg in wild-type mice
• the number of splenocytes is about double that of control
Mouse Models of Human Disease |
DO ID | OMIM ID(s) | Ref(s) | |
IgA glomerulonephritis | DOID:2986 |
OMIM:161950 |
J:128976 |