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Phenotypes Associated with This Genotype
involves: FVB
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phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• premature death is commonly seen in mutants, however mutants do not show overt signs of poor health prior to death
• 91% of males, but only 27% of females are still alive at 24 weeks of age
• females do not tolerate pregnancy, with females dying during pregnancy

cardiovascular system
• lungs of affected 9 week old females show dilated veins with muscular hypertrophy of the wall, indicative of chronically elevated left-ventricular-end diastolic pressure
• at 3 weeks of age, but not at 4 days of age, females exhibit cardiac fibrosis and myocyte degenerative changes indicative of myocytolysis
• at 9 weeks of age, females exhibit more extensive degenerative myocytolysis, with continuing loss of myofibers and fibrosis
• left atrial dilation is seen at 3 and 9 weeks of age
• pregnant females exhibit cardiac hypertrophy, with the heart weight almost 3 times that of control females
• virgin 8 week old females and 9 week old males also exhibit cardiac hypertrophy; heart size of males is not increased as much as in females
• 3 week old females exhibit mild cardiac enlargement that is primarily left side with a globular left ventricular contour
• 9 week old females show striking enlarged hearts, with expansion of the chambers but without wall thinning, indicating both cardiac hypertrophy and dilation
• fewer than 50% of males develop cardiac hypertrophy within the first 24 weeks while 85% of females develop cardiac hypertrophy by 6 weeks of age
• at 3 weeks of age, but not at 4 days of age, females exhibit cardiac fibrosis and myocyte degenerative changes indicative of myocytolysis
• at 9 weeks of age, females show profound cardiac dysfunction, with an increase in end diastolic and end systolic dimensions
• however, under anesthesia, females have normal heart rates with no sign of persistent arrhythmia
• 9 week old females show striking enlarged hearts, with expansion of the chambers but without wall thinning, indicating both cardiac hypertrophy and dilation
• peak early-filling velocity is reduced, whereas the isovolumic relaxation time and Tei index are increased
• no discernible A wave is seen on the transmitral Doppler, indicating that despite the presence of a clear electrical activation of the atria, there is no significant atrial contribution to left-ventricular filling
• fractional shortening is severely reduced, indicating impaired contraction
• peak aortic flow velocity and mean and peak aortic accelerations are reduced, whereas the isovolumic contraction time is elevated

• thrombosis seen in the dilated left atrium at 9 weeks of age is indicative of chronic left-heart dysfunction

• at 3 weeks of age, but not at 4 days of age, females exhibit cardiac fibrosis and myocyte degenerative changes indicative of myocytolysis
• at 9 weeks of age, females exhibit more extensive degenerative myocytolysis, with continuing loss of myofibers and fibrosis
• 9 week old females show striking enlarged hearts, with expansion of the chambers but without wall thinning, indicating both cardiac hypertrophy and dilation
• fractional shortening is severely reduced, indicating impaired contraction
• peak aortic flow velocity and mean and peak aortic accelerations are reduced, whereas the isovolumic contraction time is elevated

respiratory system
• by 9 weeks of age, lungs of affected females look gray and swollen compared to wild-type
• lungs of affected 9 week old females show dilated veins with muscular hypertrophy of the wall, indicative of chronically elevated left-ventricular-end diastolic pressure
• by 9 weeks of age wet lung weights are more than twice those of wild-type littermates

• pregnant females exhibit cardiac hypertrophy, with the heart weight almost 3 times that of control females
• virgin 8 week old females and 9 week old males also exhibit cardiac hypertrophy; heart size of males is not increased as much as in females
• 3 week old females exhibit mild cardiac enlargement that is primarily left side with a globular left ventricular contour
• 9 week old females show striking enlarged hearts, with expansion of the chambers but without wall thinning, indicating both cardiac hypertrophy and dilation
• fewer than 50% of males develop cardiac hypertrophy within the first 24 weeks while 85% of females develop cardiac hypertrophy by 6 weeks of age
• by 9 weeks of age wet lung weights are more than twice those of wild-type littermates

Mouse Models of Human Disease
DO ID OMIM ID(s) Ref(s)
dilated cardiomyopathy DOID:12930 OMIM:PS115200

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
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