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Phenotypes Associated with This Genotype
involves: 129 * FVB
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Mouse lines carrying:
Acvrl1tm2.1Spo mutation (0 available); any Acvrl1 mutation (27 available)
Tg(Acvrl1-cre)L1Spo mutation (0 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype

Arteriovenous malformations in the brain, lung, and GI tract of Acvrl1tm2.1Spo/Acvrl1tm2.1Spo Tg(Acvrl1-cre)L1Spo/0 mice

• some die by P5

cardiovascular system
• blood vessels in the superficial layer of the GI tract appear to be dilated, disorganized and tortuous
• dilated, tortuous, irregular, and disorganized vessels in the small intestine
• mutant vessels show peculiar looping at the distal tip of blood vessels
• however, vascular abnormalities are not seen in the skin, heart, muscle, kidney, or large intestine
• blood vessels in the superficial layer of the brain appear to be dilated, disorganized and tortuous
• blood vessels in the superficial layer of the lung appear to be dilated, disorganized and tortuous
• abnormal looping vessels are seen in the lung
• dilated, irregular and disorganized vessels in the lungs with uneven and discontinuous smooth muscle layers
• highly permeable and leaky vessels in the lungs
• looping vessels consist of numerous arteriovenous fistulas
• presence of arteriovenous shunts as indicated by the presence of dye in both the venous and arterial branches
• arterioventricular shunting and diminished perfusion to distal microvessels is seen with dye injection
• lungs have numerous blood vessels with abnormal morphology and anterioventricular connections
• hemorrhages in the brain, lung, and GI tract
• dilated and hemorrhagic vessels in various brain areas, including the hippocampus
• dilated, convoluted, and tortuous vessels with signs of hemorrhage in the superficial layer of the lung

digestive/alimentary system

nervous system
• blood vessels in the superficial layer of the brain appear to be dilated, disorganized and tortuous

respiratory system
• blood vessels in the superficial layer of the lung appear to be dilated, disorganized and tortuous
• abnormal looping vessels are seen in the lung
• dilated, irregular and disorganized vessels in the lungs with uneven and discontinuous smooth muscle layers
• highly permeable and leaky vessels in the lungs
• dilated, convoluted, and tortuous vessels with signs of hemorrhage in the superficial layer of the lung

Mouse Models of Human Disease
DO ID OMIM ID(s) Ref(s)
hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia DOID:1270 OMIM:187300

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory