• in the social transmission of food preference task, mutants show an absence of preference for the cued food over the novel food after one hour after social interaction with the demonstrator cagemate
• mutants bury fewer marbles than controls when placed in a cage with new bedding and marbles and this behavior is associated with reduced time spent in digging, whereas rearing behavior is unchanged
• after habituation to marbles, mutants still bury less marbles than controls, suggesting this behavior is not due to an altered response to novelty but a decrease in interest toward the environment
• however, mutants exhibit normal anxiety related behaviors
• in the social dominance tube test, adults show more dominant behavior compared to controls
• in the resident-intruder test, mutants show reduced social interaction with the intruder mice after 1-2 months of social isolation
• olfaction is intact
Mouse Models of Human Disease |
DO ID | OMIM ID(s) | Ref(s) | |
autism spectrum disorder | DOID:0060041 | J:201707 |