• opened fontanelles at birth
• widened due to reduced cranial bones
• overall skull length reduction from the nasal to the occipital bone
• reduction in size at E16 and birth
• frontal bone shows the greatest reduction in length of all the skull bones
• reduction in size at E16 and birth
• reduction in size at E16 and birth
• the maxillary diastema is reduced in mice with supernumerary teeth, however the mandibulary diastema is normal
• in mice without supernumerary teeth, the length of the molar row is reduced in both the lower and upper jaws
• however, when supernumerary teeth are present, the length of the molar row is almost normal in the mandible but is increased in the maxilla
• reduction in molar 1-3 length
• shape abnormalities in the mesial parts of the first lower and first upper molars
• in the upper molar, the central cusp of the medial crest tends to be reduced and the crest is more flattened
• the mesial crest of the first lower molar has an abnormal shape
• when a supernumerary tooth is present, the mesial part of the first molar has an altered crown morphology
• mice exhibit abnormal molar root development
• supernumerary teeth are aligned with the molar tooth row and located just in front and at the contract of the first molars
• 65% of mice show supernumerary teeth in the upper dentition and 31% in the lower dentition
• supernumerary teeth are variable in shape and size, although they are smaller than the adjacent first molar
• an extra tooth placode and subsequent enamel knot is seen at E14.5, most likely corresponding to the primordium of the supernumerary tooth
• in mice without supernumerary teeth, the length of the molar row is reduced in both the lower and upper jaws
• however, when supernumerary teeth are present, the length of the molar row is almost normal in the mandible but is increased in the maxilla
• reduction in molar 1-3 length
• shape abnormalities in the mesial parts of the first lower and first upper molars
• in the upper molar, the central cusp of the medial crest tends to be reduced and the crest is more flattened
• the mesial crest of the first lower molar has an abnormal shape
• when a supernumerary tooth is present, the mesial part of the first molar has an altered crown morphology
• mice exhibit abnormal molar root development
• supernumerary teeth are aligned with the molar tooth row and located just in front and at the contract of the first molars
• 65% of mice show supernumerary teeth in the upper dentition and 31% in the lower dentition
• supernumerary teeth are variable in shape and size, although they are smaller than the adjacent first molar
• an extra tooth placode and subsequent enamel knot is seen at E14.5, most likely corresponding to the primordium of the supernumerary tooth
• opened fontanelles at birth
• widened due to reduced cranial bones
• overall skull length reduction from the nasal to the occipital bone
• reduction in size at E16 and birth
• frontal bone shows the greatest reduction in length of all the skull bones
• reduction in size at E16 and birth
• reduction in size at E16 and birth
• the maxillary diastema is reduced in mice with supernumerary teeth, however the mandibulary diastema is normal
• in mice without supernumerary teeth, the length of the molar row is reduced in both the lower and upper jaws
• however, when supernumerary teeth are present, the length of the molar row is almost normal in the mandible but is increased in the maxilla
• reduction in molar 1-3 length
• shape abnormalities in the mesial parts of the first lower and first upper molars
• in the upper molar, the central cusp of the medial crest tends to be reduced and the crest is more flattened
• the mesial crest of the first lower molar has an abnormal shape
• when a supernumerary tooth is present, the mesial part of the first molar has an altered crown morphology
• mice exhibit abnormal molar root development
• supernumerary teeth are aligned with the molar tooth row and located just in front and at the contract of the first molars
• 65% of mice show supernumerary teeth in the upper dentition and 31% in the lower dentition
• supernumerary teeth are variable in shape and size, although they are smaller than the adjacent first molar
• an extra tooth placode and subsequent enamel knot is seen at E14.5, most likely corresponding to the primordium of the supernumerary tooth
• reduction of bone mass in long bones at 1 and 2 months of age
• at 1 month of age
• reduction of bone mass in vertebrae at 1 and 2 months of age
• the number and thickness of trabeculae are decreased
• reduction of bone mass in vertebrae and in long bones at 1 and 2 months of age
• bone formation rate is decreased, indicating impaired osteoblast fuction
• normal number and function of osteoclasts
• delay in mineralization of the skull at E16 and at birth
Mouse Models of Human Disease |
DO ID | OMIM ID(s) | Ref(s) | |
Coffin-Lowry syndrome | DOID:3783 |
OMIM:303600 |
J:89403 , J:211945 |