• die between E15.5 and E18.5, with about 10% surviving to E18.5
endocrine/exocrine glands
• only 8% of GFPCre-expressing endocrine cells are insulin positive at E18.5 and there is a decrease in cells expressing glucagon (from 24% to 11%), somatostatin (from 11% to 7%) and ghrelin (from 8% to 5%), indicating a possible defect in hormone production
• number of pancreatic polypeptide-positive cells is increased from 7% to 12% at E18.5
• size of the endocrine progenitor cells is increased at E18.5 and their shape becomes irregular
• endocrine progenitor cells are less differentiated
• endocrine cells remain closely associated with pancreatic ductal cells, indicating a defect of differentiating pre-endocrine cells to migrate away from pancreatic ductal regions
• endocrine progenitor cells show a slight decrease in proliferation (from 1.4% to 0.9%) at E15.5 and up to a 7-fold decrease at E18.5
• endocrine progenitor cells show a slight decrease in proliferation (from 1.4% to 0.9%) at E15.5 and up to a 7-fold decrease at E18.5