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Phenotypes Associated with This Genotype
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 * SJL
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Mouse lines carrying:
Ptentm2Mak mutation (4 available); any Pten mutation (89 available)
Tg(Eno2-cre)39Jme mutation (2 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• mutants are unusually resistant to handling by 6 weeks of age
• in the Morris water maze, mutants learn the visible platform task as well as controls but show a trend toward slower acquisition
• in the submerged platform Morris water maze, mutants do not learn as quickly as controls, showing increased latency and longer distance traveled to reach the platform
• in the probe trial, mutants show no preference for time spent in each quadrant unlike controls which spend more time in the target quadrant
• mice show increased anxiety-like behavior in the open field where they spend less time in the center zone and show a lower ratio of center versus periphery time
• in the dark/light apparatus, mutants show longer latencies to enter the light side, spending most of their time on the dark side
• however, in the elevated plus maze, mutants do not show anxiety-like behavior
• mice exhibit a greater tendency to swim along the edge of the Morris water maze
• mutants exhibit increased initial startle responses to a 120 dB white noise stimulation
• however, mice show similar startle responses as controls upon repeated startle stimulation indicating normal habituation
• mutants exhibit normal locomotor activity in less stressful environments but hyperactivity under more stressful conditions
• mice are hyperactive in the bright environment of the open field, traveling further at an increased average speed
• however, in the dark/light boxes and in the enclosed, darker environments of the locomotor apparatus, locomotor activity is normal
• mice exhibit normal coordination on the accelerating rotarod test during initial trials, however they perform better during subsequent trials indicating better performance in a repetitive behavior
• mortality of pups by P5 from mutant females fertilized by wild-type males is increased, indicating defects in maternal care
• mutants show little nest forming activity
• no naive mutant males make female mice pregnant and active sexual behavior is not seen by males, however fertility of males is not analyzed
• mice show decreased social interaction and abnormal social learing in several tests without change in novel object exploration, preference for social novelty, or olfaction
• 6 of 52 mutants exhibited sporadic seizures during testing
• EEG/EMG recordings show that all mice develop spontaneous seizures during the light phase; repetitive spike-wave patterns, sometimes accompanied by rhythmic slow activity, and continuous spike-wave bursting are noted
• incidence of seizures is 0.67 per mouse per day, and the mean duration is 10 minutes 50 seconds
• sound and tactile stimuli do not induce seizures

• mice show progressive macrocephaly, confined to the forebrain (cortex and hippocampus)

nervous system
• 6 of 52 mutants exhibited sporadic seizures during testing
• EEG/EMG recordings show that all mice develop spontaneous seizures during the light phase; repetitive spike-wave patterns, sometimes accompanied by rhythmic slow activity, and continuous spike-wave bursting are noted
• incidence of seizures is 0.67 per mouse per day, and the mean duration is 10 minutes 50 seconds
• sound and tactile stimuli do not induce seizures
• progressive increase in brain weight after 2 months of age
• aging mice show compression or absence of the CA1 region
• aging mice show foliation of the dentate gyrus
• disorganized dentate gyrus granular layer
• progressive increase in the thickness of MAP2+ dentate molecular layer
• progressive enlargement with age
• dentate gyrus shows progressive enlargement of the mossy fiber tract
• mice show elongated and dispersed mossy fiber tract from the granular layer of the dentate gyrus
• ectopic neuronal processes extending from the cell bodies into the dentate gyrus polymorphic layer are seen in the dentate gyrus at 3 months of age
• dendritic hypertrophy and ectopy in adult dentate gyrus
• at 8 months of age, dendrites of ectopic neurons extending into the dentate gyrus polymorphic layer are longer and thicker and dendrites extending into the molecular layer are thicker
• at 8 months, dendritic arbors in the molecular layer of the dentate gyrus are increased in length
• 24.9% increase in dendritic spine density within the molecular layer of the dentate gyrus
• synapses of the dentate gyrus are abnormal
• mossy fiber synapses span a larger area
• the dentate gyrus inner molecular layer shows an increase in presynaptic vesicle number
• at 8 months of age, ectopic neuronal processes extend into the polymorphic and molecular layers of the dentate gyrus
• Pten-negative neurons are larger than Pten-positive neurons at 4 weeks of age
• progressive increase in neuronal soma diameter indicating soma hypertrophy
• sensorimotor gating is impaired

Mouse Models of Human Disease
DO ID OMIM ID(s) Ref(s)
macrocephaly-autism syndrome DOID:0060867 OMIM:605309

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory