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Phenotypes Associated with This Genotype
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Mouse lines carrying:
Tmco1em1Smoc mutation (1 available); any Tmco1 mutation (43 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• pups exhibit a low survival rate relative to wild-type controls
• birth rate of homozygous mutant pups is only 8.9% versus expected 25%

• adult mice exhibit shortened nasal bones
• adult mice exhibit flat faces
• adult mice exhibit shortened noses
• adult mice exhibit a distinctly larger head than wild-type controls
• P3 pups and adult mice exhibit a smaller body size than wild-type controls
• at P3, 4 of 10 mice show a ~30% reduction in body weight relative to wild-type controls
• mice show development delay

• adult mice exhibit skull anomalies
• at P4, skulls exhibit a significantly wider open frontier suture than wild-type skulls
• at 5 months of age, adult mice display open cranial sutures with obvious gaps along the midline interfrontal suture, transverse coronal and lambdoid sutures
• adult mice exhibit shortened frontal bones
• adult mice exhibit shortened nasal bones
• adult mice exhibit flat faces
• adult mice exhibit shortened noses

• in culture, primary osteoblasts derived from newborn skulls show severe endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ mishandling with a significant increase in the average peak area of thapsigargin-induced Ca2+ transients relative to wild-type osteoblasts
• adult mice exhibit skull anomalies
• at P4, skulls exhibit a significantly wider open frontier suture than wild-type skulls
• at 5 months of age, adult mice display open cranial sutures with obvious gaps along the midline interfrontal suture, transverse coronal and lambdoid sutures
• adult mice exhibit shortened frontal bones
• adult mice exhibit shortened nasal bones
• at P1, pups show delayed osteogenesis with a significant wider gap between the left and right osteogenic fronts at the sagittal suture and discontinuous osteoid deposition at osteogenic fronts

nervous system
• adult mice display significantly enlarged brain ventricles, suggesting mental retardation

• adult mice exhibit a deficit in spatial recognition memory in a Y-maze task assay, with a significantly shorter relative distance walked and relative time spent in novel arm over start arm than wild-type controls
• adult mice show an unstable gait
• adult mice show a significant reduction in the average latency to fall from an accelerating rotarod relative to wild-type controls

• in culture, primary osteoblasts derived from newborn skulls exhibit overloading of the endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ store

reproductive system
• at 6 months of age, females show loss of developing ovarian follicles

• in culture, primary osteoblasts derived from newborn skulls show severe endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ mishandling with a significant increase in the average peak area of thapsigargin-induced Ca2+ transients relative to wild-type osteoblasts

endocrine/exocrine glands
• at 6 months of age, females show loss of developing ovarian follicles

respiratory system
• adult mice exhibit shortened nasal bones

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory