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Phenotypes Associated with This Genotype
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Mouse lines carrying:
Sgcdtm1Mcn mutation (1 available); any Sgcd mutation (22 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• cardiac cell degeneration
• accumulation of fat infiltrates in the muscle; fat infiltrates are more abundant in gastrocnemius and diaphragm muscles than in quadriceps and tibialis anterior muscles and marker analysis suggests that fat droplets are mostly white adipose tissue
• muscles contain extensive fibrotic infiltrates, with the diaphragm most affected
• females show a significant increase in quadriceps and tibialis anterior muscle fibrosis
• muscles show a shift towards smaller muscle fibers, increased expression of regeneration markers, indicating regenerative fibers, an accumulation of fat infiltrates in the muscle, and impaired muscle function
• muscle function is impaired and declines over time
• the tibialis anterior muscle generates a lower specific force over a wide range of stimulation intensities (10-180 Hz)
• muscles generate a lower specific force than muscles from Sgcatm2Kcam homozygotes
• tibialis anterior muscles repetitively stimulated at 120 Hz and stretched to 110% of their resting length show a 10-15% drop in isometric force compared to wild-type mice
• 14 week old mice develop signs of mild cardiomyopathy with patchy areas of fibrosis and necrosis
• heart function is reduced with mice showing reduced fractional shortening

• mice show a decrease in the normalized grip strength when male and female data are combined
• males hang for a shorter time period than wild-type mice in the two and four limb hanging tests
• performance in the two limb hanging test deteriorates over time
• however, no decline in performance in the four limb hanging test over time is seen

cardiovascular system
• cardiac cell degeneration
• hearts show an increase in Col1a1 expression and hearts from males contain higher collagen levels than females, indicating cardiac fibrosis (J:250485)
• 14 week old mice develop signs of mild cardiomyopathy with patchy areas of fibrosis and necrosis
• heart function is reduced with mice showing reduced fractional shortening


respiratory system
• mice show lower respiration rates at 15 and 34 weeks of age
• however, respiration rate is higher than in Sgcatm2Kcam homozygotes

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory