• disorganized tongue muscle fibers at E14
• die around the time of birth
cardiovascular system
• poor colonization of the outflow tract by cardiac neural crest cells at E10.5
• poor colonization of the outflow tract by cardiac neural crest cells at E10.5
• at E11 the outflow tract has a lower density of cardiac neural crest cells and these cells are disorganized
• however, septation occurs normally
• in some embryos
• malformed outflow tract valves in 90% of mice at E12
nervous system
• poor colonization of the outflow tract by cardiac neural crest cells at E10.5
• smaller and misshapen
• less affected compared to germline null mice
• at E17
• fail to grow and close over the eye bulb at E17
• boundary of ossification is abnormal
• severely malformed
• poorly developed
• severely malformed palatal cartilage in 33% of mice with less severe malformations in the remaining 67% of mice
• otic capsule cartilage is absent at E16 in 33% of mice and reduced in 66% of mice
• cartilage is absent at E16 in 33% of mice and reduced in 66% of mice
• boundary of ossification is abnormal
• severely malformed
• poorly developed
• severely malformed cartilage in 33% of mice with less severe malformations in the remaining 67% of mice
• disorganized tongue muscle fibers at E14
• small tongue at E14
digestive/alimentary system
• severely malformed cartilage in 33% of mice with less severe malformations in the remaining 67% of mice
• disorganized tongue muscle fibers at E14
• small tongue at E14
• severely malformed cartilage in 33% of mice with less severe malformations in the remaining 67% of mice
• disorganized tongue muscle fibers at E14
• small tongue at E14
• poor colonization of the outflow tract by cardiac neural crest cells at E10.5