• increase in cell death in the retina between P5 and P21 and cell death increases, especially in the ganglion cell layer, with age
• the retrobulbar space (the space between the eyeball and the orbit) is reduced
• excessive axial elongation and posterior pole degenerative changes in eyes
• chorioretinal atrophy in some cases
• myopic chorioretinopathy
• anterior segment is generally normal although pupillary ectopia is occasionally seen
• the lens thickness increases during postnatal development as in wild-type eyes but is lower at P330 and P390
• shorter inter-ocular distance
• bilateral eye enlargement
• eyes are 30% and 40% longer at P60 and P180
• posterior staphyloma is seen from P21 onward
• lengthening of the ocular axis is primarily due to continuous vitreal chamber enlargement
• the vitreous chamber depth of eyes increases dramatically at all ages studied
• however, the anterior chamber depth and corneal radius of curvature increases similarly to wild-type from P15 to P510
• cell density in the ganglion cell layer is first decreased at P15
• bipolar cells exhibit atrophic dendrites and their connections with the retinal ganglion cells appear thicker
• reduction in the number of axons in the optic nerve at P150
• the optic nerve diameter is slightly increased at P150
• peripapillary atrophy of the pigment epithelium consistent with a peripapillary staphyloma, a trait of myopic retinopathy
• widespread pigment dispersion affects most of the retina
• thickness of the inner nuclear layer is decreased more than in wild-type mice from P5 to P90
• progressive decrease in cell density in the inner nuclear from P5 onwards
• significant reduction of the inner plexiform layer thickness from P7 onwards
• thickness of the outer nuclear layer is decreased more than in wild-type mice from P5 to P90
• progressive decrease in cell density in the outer nuclear layer from P5 onwards
• retinal thinning from P15 onwards
• collagen fibrils in sclera form fewer lamellae at P90 and P180 and appear disorganized
• within lamellae, the organization of collagen fibrils is perturbed, with fibrils coursing parallel to each other and large areas devoid of fibrils rather than interweaving as in controls
• collagen fibril density is lower in the sclera
• morphology of collagen fibrils is very heterogeneous and their contour is irregular with rectangular- rather than oval-shaped fibrils, mean cross-sectional diameter is increased and the frequency of collagen fibers with both smaller and wider mean cross-sectional diameter is increased, indicating scleral staphyloma
• scleral thickness at P90 and P180 is thinner by 33% and 50%, respectively
• intraocular pressure is lower at P330 and P390 but normal at other times
high myopia
• increase in cell death in the retina between P5 and P21 and cell death increases, especially in the ganglion cell layer, with age
• reduction of the proliferation index is seen at P3 and P5 in the eyes
nervous system
• bipolar cells exhibit atrophic dendrites
• cell density in the ganglion cell layer is first decreased at P15
• bipolar cells exhibit atrophic dendrites and their connections with the retinal ganglion cells appear thicker
• reduction in the number of axons in the optic nerve at P150
• the optic nerve diameter is slightly increased at P150
• peripapillary atrophy of the pigment epithelium consistent with a peripapillary staphyloma, a trait of myopic retinopathy
• widespread pigment dispersion affects most of the retina
Mouse Models of Human Disease |
DO ID | OMIM ID(s) | Ref(s) | |
degenerative myopia | DOID:11829 | J:238249 |