• mice are impaired in contextual fear conditioning
• however, cued fear conditioning is not affected and mice exhibit normal auditory discrimination learning
• mice are impaired in object recognition memory
• mice are hyperactive in the open field, with mice spending more time with locomotor activity during the test period
digestive/alimentary system
• mice produce a higher number of fecal boli during odor exposition
endocrine/exocrine glands
• males do not exhibit gonadal defects; testes are unaltered and no differences in various stages of differentiation from spermatogonia to sperm cells is seen
• number of secondary follicles, but not corpora lutea, is slightly reduced
• lower numbers of tertiary follicles
• estradiol levels are reduced in the estrus and metestrus phase
• however, plasma levels of luteinizing hormone and progesterone are normal throughout the estrous cycle
nervous system
• small, but significant, increase in the volume of the striatum
• hippocampal dysplasia with a reduced number of synapses
• however, the number of GnRH+ neurons and fibers are normal in the brain, and general brain morphology is not altered
• altered catecholaminergic innervation of the hippocampus with an increase in the number of tyrosine-hydroxylase positive fivers in the CA3 but not CA1 region or dentate gyrus
• however, catecholaminergic innervation in the striatum and ventral tegmental area is normal
• reduction of dendritic complexity in CA1 neurons, with apical and more prominently basal dendrites are affected
• mice exhibit shorter dendrites and much lower number of branches for a given dendritic segment
• hippocampal primary neuron cultures show a simplified dendritic tree, with shorter neurite length and less branching of MAP2+ dendrites and reduced number of synaptic contacts at day in vitro 15
• spine density is reduced in basal and apical dendrites in secondary branches of CA1 neurons
• hippocampal primary neuron cultures show a reduced number of spines during neuronal development
• reduction in number of synapses in the hippocampus
• mice show reduced synaptic plasticity of hippocampal CA1 synapses in adulthood
• mice exhibit a decay of the field excitatory postsynaptic potential (fEPSP) slope already 30-40 minutes after the induction of long term potentiation (LTP)
• however, basal synaptic transmission, paired-pulse facilitation and the input-output curve are not changed
• mice show reduced hippocampal long-term potentiation at CA1 synapses, with late phase LTP almost absent despite a similar induction of early LTP as in wild-type mice
reproductive system
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• hypogonadotropic hypogonadism or subfertility are not seen
• number of secondary follicles, but not corpora lutea, is slightly reduced
• lower numbers of tertiary follicles
• females exhibit shortening of the diestrus phase
• however, duration of the proestrus and estrus phase are not different
• females exhibit prolonged duration of the metestrus phase
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• mice do not show signs of anosmia or hyposmia and have a normal organization of the bulbus olfactorius
Mouse Models of Human Disease |
DO ID | OMIM ID(s) | Ref(s) | |
NOT | Kallmann syndrome | DOID:3614 | J:232404 |