• in the novel object recognition test, mice spend less time than wild-type mice exploring the novel object and more time sniffing the old object, showing a lower discrimination index
• the time spent sniffing the novel social stimulus and the ability to discriminate between the novel mouse and the empty cage are reduced in males, but not females
• pups removed from the nest show an approximate 50% decrease in the number of ultrasonic vocalizations
nervous system
• cultured hippocampal neurons show an increase in spine density
• hippocampal neurons in the CA1 region show an increase in spine density both in basal and apical dendrites
• however, length of dendritic spines is normal
• the postsynaptic density thickness in hippocampal neurons is reduced
• however, no difference in the length of the postsynaptic densities
• increase in the density of excitatory synapses in the hippocampus
• increase in the density of synaptic vesicles in hippocampal presynaptic termini
• hippocampal plasticity is severely impaired
• induction of long-term potentiation by high-frequency stimulation in the hippocampus is reduced in males; impaired LTP is most likely due to postsynaptic impairments rather than presynaptic alterations as no difference in mean fiber volley slope is seen
• CA1 hippocampal neurons exhibit enhanced amplitude of AMPAR-mediated miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents
• however, no differences in the frequency of mEPSCs or the kinetics of these events are seen
Mouse Models of Human Disease |
DO ID | OMIM ID(s) | Ref(s) | |
fragile X syndrome | DOID:14261 |
OMIM:300624 |
J:304982 |